Wingardium Leviosa!

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Arugam Kudah scribbles and drools... Day 6

I know I've been gone for two days straight but like I said before I wanna make writing a habit and right now I know Murakami would be disappointed in me because I'm not following the very thing that I've been reading...

Focus and Discipline

I had a fabulous surf class, everything was just falling in place, the waves, the less crowd, the tide... Everything. While riding that high, Chuchu and Rosie invited me to come to the river side with them and their other friends for drinks. Gladly went and carried the Uno cards as well. Also got to ride a scooty and happy to say I did not drop the bottles, the snacks or chuchu. Had my first sip of Aarak and well then had quite a few of them. Hahahaha. We saw two massive snakes, a baby kitten (probably got eaten by the snake), a bunch of puppies and their mother, monkeys, and loads of fireflies.

We we're there till about I have no clue and then headed to Hideaway. Met Rosie's frind Meli from Germany and she's also settled with a Sri Lankan, also connected to Hideaway. Chilled joint and had a jungle drink re. Aarak fancily made. It's amazing seeing the amount foreign consultants and people working and supporting themselves to continue this lifestyle. Quitting my 12-14 job seems like a brilliant idea. And since it's under serious consideration it's closer to getting achieved.

Spent a bit of time talking to everyone. It's amazing how many foreigners hook up but it's also amazing to hear stories of how many foreign women are hooking up with local boys and sadly they seem okay to be paying for these women. I got told twice about how I should look at settling with some guy here, latch onto him and then you can also be able to enjoy this life. Got told this when I was talking about quitting my job and wanting to lead a life at the beach or work around this area.

And both times I actually got offended and said, I don't need a man to latch onto just because I want to live this life. I can do it on my own. I'd rather be with someone who wants me for me and vice versa. Can't be selling my body like that. Sheesh.

Anyway explaining to people such morals is difficult with the way the world is going. Kept getting a surprised look when they hear I'm a single female travelling from India. Very difficult to break stereotypes but I'm glad I am. I also keep telling them about Ed and how she drove a tuk tuk and there are many Indian girls like her taking a shot at seeing the world - one backpack at a time.

Came back to the hotel in a happy hgh state. Made sure I kept my head straight at all times. 

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