Wingardium Leviosa!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Dec 15: The Pinkathon experience

4.15am - Early wake up call. It wasn't cold as such but I had to do a proper warm up as my legs were stiff. I always thought running the previous evening helped me in the morning. I guess when the temperature dips - that ain't true anymore. Lol.

So I began my warm up but I know I didn't put in a whole load of effort. I wanted to go for that Zumba bit at the Pinkathon but then didn't have time for it. When I finally reached the venue at BKC, I spent precious time trying to get the bib on my shirt and the timing chip through my laces. Worse crap was I could only thinking of murdering Oshu for chewing the tips of the laces - the damn things wouldn't go back in and I struggled like hell. By then I had like 15 minutes to unfreeze. Quick warm up plus I picked up some new stretching techniques from other women.

It was a fantastic experience and I saw the way my mind was playing. Not used to running with so many people around - it was great to see how people overtook me and how I reacted. When the race started my calves were a bit tight but I managed to pull through till I crossed the 2 mile mark. So many women zoomed past that for a second I worried if all my training was sufficient or not. I just put my head down and continued to focus cause I started to get demotivated.

Then there were some women who would run a bit and overtake me and then slow down and walk. Freaking pissed me off it did. I mean I know they haven't trained but they started affecting my psyche. Luckily, it drove me to move my feet even faster and get away from them. But that was really annoying.

I saw the lady from our area - man she was zooming in front. Very happy and proud of her. There were women of all shapes and sizes and it was a lovely feeling to not be worried about people and their glares.

I pushed a bit in the final 2 miles to increase my tempo. That final 100 metres - man I was so psyched!!! Crossing the finish line was a beautiful feeling and I hope I remember that always. (Well you're always there na :P)

I clocked the 10k in 1.14.04 - decent enough. Definitely could have been better. But it's better than most soo... I'm happy (: I timed myself on the phone which is about 40 seconds more...

1 mile: 12.25
2 miles: 12.37
3 miles: 12.21
4 miles: 11.16
5 miles: 11.16
6 miles: 11.25

Good race - not my best but it's the change in the weather and a brilliant reminder to start working out in the mornings going forward. I need to put in a hell of a lot more effort. Time's-a-tickin baby!

Dec 14: Signed up for the Pinkathon - now to train for it

On Friday night I finally took the plunge and signed up for I guess in a way my first professional run. This was a 10K run and I wanted to see how I'd fair with pros and tons of cons :P

Anyway, I had a late Friday night so I went running in the evening. Was a good workout. I could feel my strides getting faster, even though the weather is playing truant with my health. I have a bad cold and which is affecting the way I breathe. So from now a 3 - 2 pattern, I'm actually doing a 1 - 1 pattern which is you know okay I guess. But I'd like to continue to breathe the way I have been practicing and switch to 1 - 1 only after my 7th mile. But let's see.

Activity: Walking
Distance: 2.018
Calories: 297

1 mile: 15.59
2 miles: 15.19

Activity: Running
Duration: 1.13.41
Distance: 6.038
Calories: 696

1 mile: 13.38
2 miles: 12.20
3 miles: 12.14
4 miles: 11.51
5 miles: 11.19
6 miles: 11.46

Good stats I must say - you can see my timing getting better. In fact I was just checking the other day how I fared about a month back when I was doing 6 miles and I must say my timing has improved considerably.

Very proud and humbled that I'm able to accomplish all of this. I really hope I can do my best at the Pinkathon tomorrow.

Dec 12: Walking with the Spirit

Or rather from Holy Spirit, Andheri back home... in the evening. It's been a crazy week with my boss' hubby falling ill (he's better thank you :D) and so I've been doing some going early-leaving late work days.


The weather dipped from Monday and my body was tooooooooo cozy and lax about getting up. I tried - by God I tried but I just didn't have the energy. Anyway - no more excuses going forward.

So I walked the whole way in the evening took me exactly an hour and it was about 4 miles. My timing recorded isn't right as I forgot to switch the damn thing off - remembered a half hour later.

The funny thing is I checked my weight in the evening. I've not lost a single kg man. My flab is still there. I need to start doing some crunches as t's really feeling like a problem are that needs to be dealt with.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Dec 8: Tik tok we're getting better by the dot!

I was real pumped up Saturday night. Suddenly my personal baggage has grown for no rhyme or reason and trying to rise above it all does prove challenging to an active mind. Throughout the week I had been figuring out how best I could reach my goal of 2 hours 30 minutes of completing the half marathon.I'd love to do 2.15.... so I'm hoping that day's electricity in the air will carry me through (:

For now I will settle for hard work and perseverance.

Activity: Walking
Duration: 23.42
Distance: 1.542
Calories: 222

Activity: Running
Duration: 2.01.27
Distance: 10.046
Calories: 1148

1 mile: 12.45
2 miles: 13.7
3 miles: 12.19
4 miles: 11.54
5 miles: 11.13
6 miles: 11.36
7 miles: 11.21
8 miles: 12.9
9 miles: 11.50
10 miles: 12.18

I know I did brilliantly! I mean compared to running 9 miles this was a breeze. My legs didn't play hookie, I felt amazing from start to end, and the 10th mile would've been around 11 minutes if I hadn't stopped to give directions to a lady heading to Mira Road.

The whole automatic thing is working for me. I know what he meant by saying my mind should take over completely. But the whole run felt soooooooooooooooooooo good. I didn't run against the traffic and I think that helps too.

I almost had tears in my eyes when I stopped. It's this huge feeling of accomplishing something and while I have no one to celebrate with at that moment, that feeling still lingers, knowing that I've done my best. I really REALLY can't wait for the marathon... Ha ha ha (:

Dec 7: Swim with the fish (with no aim at finding your nemo though)

Didn't want to run but was itching to have a swim. I had put so much of those drops in my eyes that I started wondering if the chlorine in the water would be a problem too.

Anyway - I went, had the pool to myself. Did an extremely awesome workout. I was able to do about 12 rounds in one go repeatedly, did quite a few deep water swims, paddled about 400 kicks.


Dec 5: Recovering from C ain't as easy as can B

Got conjunctivitis and luck be have it, a mild attack. Advised plenty of rest and relaxation which was really nice. Too bad (NOT) that I left my laptop at work hence felt a trifle guilty at times.

But Thursday I picked myself up and wore shades and decided I couldn't slack. Heck, no sore eyes gonna keep me away from my run! No Sir... no no no :P

So aim was 6 miles - I'll be honest. How I accomplished 5 miles I have no idea. Was mentally drained by the end of 5 miles and gave up.

Activity: Walking
Duration: 18.30
Distance: 1.199
Calories: 173

Activity: Running
Duration: 1.05.43
Distance: 5.047
Calories: 621

1 mile: 13.24
2 miles: 14.6
3 miles: 13.27
4 miles: 12.5
5 miles: 12.4

Overall it was okay but no proper focus. Could have done heaps better.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Dec 1: Take the highway or go my way

Activity: Walking
Duration: 25.08
Distance: 1.555
Calories: 235

Activity: Running
Duration: 1.56.35
Distance: 9.004
Calories: 1100

1 mile: 14.11
2 miles: 14.29
3 miles: 12.59
4 miles: 12.20
5 miles: 11.52
6 miles: 11.33
7 miles: 12.56
8 miles: 13.4
9 miles: 12.53

BEAT THAT BITCHES! bahahahahah - Started off from home to the back of Gokuldham and all of which obviously warming up and listening to some motivational shit. Once I reached the highway there was no looking back. I'm glad I ran with the traffic than against it cause it's cutting it too fine with bikers I believe if I run the opposite way.

Man the first two miles killed me literally - my legs were sloppy and uninterested inall the self talk I was giving myself. I think I stopped twice trying to get my legs to calm down and focus. Inspiration #1 was coming back just as I was about to hit the first flyover and I was like no way dude - in my head I told myself he had to be training for the full mrathon. Look at those calves... dayumn! Anyway trudging along I finished the jogeshwari flyover but stopped again before the next flyover... I think that was barely almost 2 miles... man it seems it goes quicker on the Aarey roads than it does on the highway. May be I need to keep in mind the traffic and people blocking the way so I tried not to get too disheartened.

Then inspiration #2 jogged past. Then legs were on full go cause the pain was receding slowly and it was time to push. He long outran me but I was determined to keep going. Once mile after the next - it was heartening to see signboards of Andheri, Vile Parle, the airports... and finally Santa Cruz! I stopped and turned around and headed back. The goal was 9 miles today.

Decided to run from below the bridge while coming back. Not sure if it was the best idea cause of the signals but it was safer I think. Finally crossed Andheri and stopped. Had to push solid on the 9 mile as my mind was starting to bend from the fatigue but you gotta keep on pushing if you're aiming for that prize ae?

Walked a bit and then took a rick back home finished my cool down and felt AMAZING!

High 5! It's almost time (:

Nov 30: Awake and go...

Activity: Walking
Duration: 31.52
Distance: 2.007
Calories: 300

1 mile: 15.51
2 miles: 15.51

(coincidence? I think not :P)

Activity: Running
Duration: 1.09.41
Distance: 5.027

1 mile: 15.7
2 miles: 15.21
3 miles: 13.55
4 miles: 12.12
5 miles: 12.32

Today I decided I wanted to hit the steep slope of Aarey. The crazy old man made it a point to give me sagely advice of how I should train for the Jaslok slope - good thing he told me cause I made a mental note of the map. I need to traverse that route too, to see what I am up against. But the Aarey slope man - slowly drains you so I decided to go slow... slow... slow right to the top. No stopping. Shucks man what a proud moment it was Reaching that summit. Walked down ten steps to the ground and continued my jog... I'm so glad I hit that route you know. I'm unsure if I've even been that far from NZ hostel in these 28 years. Excellent run and I can't stop talking about how elated I am that I'm not feeling down that my last week didn't affect my performance. It's all about mind and body over matter I guess. (:

Nov 28: Time to go...

Starting to get tough as things get tougher. This week is all about drive, determination after a disastrous two weeks probably. Living in Mumbai sure has its downfalls and I wish I could wish them away - the lustful stares, the potholes, the traffic, the noise, the crowd... all of which crop up when it's time to run.

Activity: Walking
Duarion: 27.49
Distance: 1.632
Calories: 260

Activity: Running
Duration: 1.15.57
Distance: 6.042
Calories: 717

1 mile: 12.21
2 miles: 12.37
3 miles: 12.34
4 miles: 12.45
5 miles: 12.38
6 miles: 12.19

Fateh workout... all within 12.30 minutes. If i can bring down even 4 miles to touch about 11 minutes I could get my act in shape. I've made up my mind to do 5 miles in a hour - if I can do 6 miles nothing like it man! goal is 2 and a half hours but I'm gonna strive super hard for 2.15. I'm gonna beat this bitch of a finish line. 

Nov 27: Heading home from G

I think a whole load more people should start walking home after work - it's refreshing and probably we can get the system to start making footpaths mandatory ensuring safety of those who head home the slightly longer way.

Activty: Walking
Duarion: 28.01
Distance: 1.550
Calories: 259