Wingardium Leviosa!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Love - Don't leave me hanging. Again.

Love - Can you conquer it all?
Cause I sure don't believe we can have it all.

Rich in spirit
But ain't got two paise in my wallet
And you know what...
Life ain't that bad - got it?

I don't care... really
Oh wait - I do
Why you walkin around here
Tryin a play me for a fool

Just let your guard down man
Stop tryin so damn hard to be cool

I got mah eyes on you.
I got mah spies on you.

Forget the war paint
Forget the strings
Forget the booze
Forget the facade

It's me. I'm me. And I'm real.

Deal with it.

Lights off.

We're done here.
