Wingardium Leviosa!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Oct 29: Cuts like a knife

Starting to get my calves in shape... them cuts look good I must say. Body is still recovering from the Weekend workout. Decided to do some cross training. Yesterday walked back home from the station due to crowded buses/ricks, besides I reach home faster. Didn't time myself though as I wasn't gonna exert.

Today morning I woke up and began my warm up, taking extra care to do a thorough warm up. The plan was to do a brisk walk in Aarey and then go right till the ground and skip - at least 500 skips. FAIL!

This Reebok skipping rope is some deadly one. Solid heavy and I know it's a damn workout trying to do it :P I managed 150 (50 a piece) and then called it quits.

Activity: Walking
Duration: 01.07.44
Distance: 4.214 miles
Calories: 638

1 mile: 16.11
2 miles: 16.25
3 miles: 16.2
4 miles: 15.10

While going up the slope I saw 3 people coming running down. I knew I had to do the same!

Activity: Running
Duration: 12.11
Distance: 1.043
Calories: 112

1 mile: 11.34

FABULOUS!!! start to the week (:

Monday, October 28, 2013

Oct 27: It's been one helluva long weekend

And I felt exhausted. I gotta tell you I never for a second imagined two years ago that I'd ever do 14 miles over a weekend... Heck - I never imagined it now either - BUT I DID IT!!!!

Albeit with a combination of warm up, cool down and the actual run - I completed 14 miles baby :D :D :D

Today's run I was a little skeptical as I already ran 5 miles the previous day and I was starting to push my body way more than what it's used to. My biggest fear as always is to not fall ill. I hate medication. And people around me hate me and my medication. lol. So yeah - can she do it? was the 'burning' question.

I started off my routine with a longer warm up. I've also started these leg exercises where I hold the bed post and draw my legs straight up. Doing ten right now but will increase it slowly. Then headed for my walk.

Activity: Walking
Duration: 15.54
Distance: 1.015
Calories: 147

Even my walking time reduced. I barely felt the burn while walking so I'm guessing a little more stretching never hurt no one. :D

Headed to Aarey junction for the kick-off.
Activity: Running
Duration: 1.03
Distance: 4.849
Calories: 599

I could have definitely done better but mental fatigue - the bane of all my sorrows... lol, crept in and even after a couple of public slaps - I was done. It was a slow but excellent walk home. The run was brilliant because I didn't stop even once during this run. I'm also thinking every alternate day runs helps in keeping my legs steady. The burn I know will reduce while the mental strength is something I need to build on. But I had a steady, solid run.

There's this gentleman who runs and he's a big motivation for me. I'm glad he is on the route :D

Lap stats:

1 mile: 13.25
2 miles: 13.23
3 miles: 12.44
4 miles: 12.35

I finally broke the 12 barrier too. If I had any water left in me by the end of it I'd have shed a few salty tears but BOO YEAH!

:D :D :D

Oct 26: The evening sojurn

Well no Fun Friday night. So I got down to business.

Slept most part of Saturday as I had to push myself to touch 5 miles today. I worked up a little sweat and headed for the first part of my routine.

Activity: Walking
Duration: 16.07
Distance: 1.032 miles
Calories: 152
It hurt like a bitch this walk. I don't think I did enough of a warm up cause the run flogged me down. I broke down three times and had to take about 2 minutes to recover at Aarey.

Activity: Running
Duration: 1.15.00

Distance: 5.507
Calories: 669

BUT - as always after I think when I touched 3 miles the burn got controllable and I started my stretch of running better. I have to quote my time on the miles too cause I found it funny!

1 mile: 13.50
2 miles: 16.58
3 miles: 17.19
4 miles: 6.10 (CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!!!!)
5 miles: 13.24

I died when I read that part - 6.10 - I could probably beat Carl Lewis (excuse me Mr. Bolt) :P

Oct 24: Let the pain begin!

I had a rough run. Took me a while to get going but more than the burn it was the inability to wrap my head around my run. Oh how I ached for my bed :(
I started off with the routine as my warm up.

Activity: Walking
Duration: 16.28
Distance: 1 mile
Calories: 149

However, while trying to focus as much as I could I reached a point when my body, mind and spirit gave up. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't a bad run - just not a great run either.

Activity: Running
Duration: 57.56
Distance: 4.249 miles
Calories: 546

Lap stats.

1 mile: 13.39
2 miles: 14.2
3 miles: 13.29
4 miles: 13.29

(overall AWESOME)

I can do better.. COME ON!

Oct 23: The walk home is long.

I'm starting to get tired of the phone calls. Not that I don't like people, just that I don't wanna talk on the phone anymore and especially during my workouts.

SO - to fix it - go on flight mode :D

That way hurt no one's feelings and get on with life!

Walked home from Goregaon station. Here are the stats.

Activity: Walking
Duration: 30.25
Distance: 1.698
Calories: 278

Walkin in style... every mile :D

Oct 21: The short (long) break

Periods kill me. This episode unlike the last time had me fatigued, head achy, vomiting, and you know the fears of two years back came flooding back - what if I get that way again? Last thing I want is to 'snap' under medication.

But it turned out to be all right. Normal regular 'not so boring' periods.

I rested for four days. Needed that break. Had some fun but knew I would have to toughen myself right back up.

Took a light work out.

Activity: Walking
Duration: 01.10.08
Distance: 4.313
Calories: 661

Pleasant and yet that burn...

Friday, October 18, 2013

Oct 16: Couple of self slaps never hurt no one

Slept the whole day. Making it a point to get enough rest and not tax myself with mundane things. And you know what? It's great when I'm not over stressing or over thinking nonsense.

Started doing my warm ups at about 4.30 and by 5 I was out the door.

Activity: Walking
Duration: 16.27 mins
Distance: 1.020 miles
Calories: 153

Great start. The burn reduced quite a bit. I've been doing those calf strengthening exercises while sitting at work and standing in the train and I'd like to believe they're working :D

Walked to Aarey junction and started to mentally prepare. Okay also point to note - I've started following the online marathon calendar schedule of this site I found. Seems good. It's a little tough but I need to toughen up. So today's attempt was 4 miles. And I was definitely going to go for it. It's all about mind over matter after all.
Activity: Running
Time: 54 mins

Distance: 4.026 miles
Calories: 509

Miles break up:
1 mile - 13.29
2 miles - 13.25
3 miles - 13.4
4 miles - 13.28


I must admit towards the end I had to slap myself a couple of times to get my head back in the game. For the first time I felt that mental tiredness that I'd been hearing off. All this time, it was my calves giving way but that day I felt that fatigue creep in. Fuck! Imagine to complete 13 miles I'd really have to be a strong nut up there.

Damn damn DAMN proud of my performance. Next battle is again 4 miles according to my chart.

Bring it bitch!

Oct 15: Terrible terrible conditioning of the mind

I don't know if it was the lack of ear phones or what; but I felt I had a bad run. I just wasn't able to wrap my head around whatever it was that was going on in this big blob of gooooo. I tried, the burn started and I know stopped a couple of times till I actually gave up cause I couldn't motivate myself anymore.
I think I'm taking it too much to heart and that fear of failing again in my second attempt is starting to feel real.

When I look at my stats right now - and I think about that run, BAH HUMBUG!

Activity: Running
Duration: 48.53
Distance: 3.378
Calories: 460


Oct 13: The sooner. The better.

Gosh I definitely need to start posting on time. I can barely remember what I had for breakfast. Still need to have that too :P

I had a very awesome weekend and all my plans to run/jog and exercise kind of took a back seat... BUT I still managed to walk.

Activity: Walking
Duration: 48.02
Distance: 2.765
Calories: 453

When people around you run, especially when they're older then you and appear to not even break into a sweat, it really makes you question if you're doing the best you can.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Oct 9: Championing mind, body and soul

The swimming helped in many ways. I felt more fit, my calves also got a good workout and also while sitting and standing I'm doing these exercises to make them stronger. I really want this burning feeling to die down faster.
Yesterday, I went into work early and left early. Unfortunate that I couldn't run at Aarey cause it gets dark real soon. I walked from the station to back home. Was definitely an excellent way to warm up - I didn't push it too much keeping in mind that I've still got to stop hopping and jumping.

Activity: Walking
Duration: 28.21
Distance: 1.615
Calories: 266

Once I got home, warmed up and stretched a little more (sweating like a pig baby!!!) I pushed out of the house at 6 sharp. Did some bum kicks on the road, put on my music, pumped myself up and headed out for a jog.

Activity: Running
Duration: 52.46
Distance: 3.551 miles = 5.714 kms
Calories: 497
1 mile 13.44
2 miles: 14.36
3 miles: 16.3

My timing has to improve even more but I took a lot of long strides and pulled so felt even more good. The burn was there but I'm starting to condition my mind and I think it's working. Focus. Focus. Focus girl (:

High 5!!!

Oct 8: Swimming to glory

Went for a good 50 minute swim.
Did about 40 laps (attempted 5 laps at a time in between).

Also did a lot of deep water swimming to build lung capacity. Wasn't my best though - I'm thinking cause I was swimming in the night and I was setting myself up for panic that I'd come up for air before I reached the end of the pool at times.

Worked on strengthening my calves - did about 500 leg flappings while holding my breath under water.

Body started to ache but I'm just focussing on that finish line. No cross. No crown.


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Kai Ko is on a one way ticket to budgie heaven

My baby has moved on to the next life. Feeling soooo upset and I'm sure Kem cho is going to miss her original companion. We got her to keep Kai company. And they were sooo cute together. They'd make such a racket in the morning but one SHUT UP and all would be at peace.

Just going to pour out my sorrow in prose

You're the first beautiful thing I see when I awake
The last beautiful wing when I tuck in
I saw you today morning sitting quietly
Never for a moment thinking you'd be taken away from me
You've been a part of our family for over 8 years (+3 with Uncle Lemino)
And we've loved you like one of our own
I'm gonna miss you sooo very much Kai Ko
You're another beautiful soul to add to my prayer list.
Will cherish you always my feathered friend and confidante <3 br="">

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Oct 6: The mind is ready, but the body is weak

Took a three day sojourn. Sorry man but I was too exhausted with work. I'm working right now too. I slept the whole of Saturday and these recovery periods are what are killing me. My mind is made up but the body just wont GET OUT THE DOOR!
More push from within needed. Started reading some running mags online. Would you believe I still haven't printed out my chart - Yep, I officially suck.

In fact today a brother in Church told me - "The mind is ready, but the body is weak"

It really got to me. Good thing I went for a long hard walk in the morning though (:

So I have my chart ready - just need to hit print. Even though I'm down to 15 weeks (panic not yet set in) - I'm still excited and enthusiastic!

Activity: Walking
Duration: 1.45.45
Distance: 10.150
Calories: 1026
Average pace: 10.30

After three days - It was good. but it could have been better. The weather's holding up too... wish I could say the same for my back. But anyway - slow and steady - no pushing the limit - that's for sure. Need to get some cross training in her somehow. Swimming and walking should do the trick.

Anyway - later days...

Friday, October 4, 2013

Oct 2: Tough workout, tougher cookie

I burned.
I swear.

After an eventful/fiasco filled night - I headed in the evening to burn some calories. Started off on my usual route.

Activity: Walking
Duration: 19.58
Distance: 1.961
Calories: 247

Burning burning calves. But by the time I reached Aarey - I felt the burn cool down a bit. Got ready to jog. Fuck - I died.

I dunno if my exercises/warm ups are helping or killing me!

Activity: Running
Duration: 01.05.17
Distance: 6.575
Calories: 632
Best time: 6km - 8.02!!!!

I took a new route around Aarey as the one I regularly frequent is filled with pot holes although at a lovely incline to punish my calves. Will attempt it again soon.

This one is a straight road. Shit - I could feel my body give way by the time I hit almost 2km. I actually stopped cause I was going slower than I was walking. I just stretched my muscles for about 5mins.

"That shit is hitting the ceiling" feeling? Yeah - I felt that.

I started again, slow, damn slow and just kept trudging on. This one guy - who I've seen twice now (he's got sexy calves) went ahead of me... "Go Chelsea" - yet this was no competition. I wanted to beat the pain.

I continued on and slowly I could feel the burn die down.

By then I reached the start of Aarey again and continued my jog, slowly picking up speed.

The Westin slope - I killed it. I sprinted. Felt FUCKING wonderful man :D

I definitely put the Chesire Cat to shame as I went up and down Westin... I slowed down my pace a little as I continued till I reached Dheeraj Valley and then finally stopped.


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Sept 30: Walking it out

Took a break from jogging as I went for a full body massage on Saturday and my body quite collapsed to be honest. May be I shouldn't do body massages. I'm unsure.

But I am starting to feel sore after the runs. It's taking me two days to recover. And I'm touching about 6-7 km in an hour. Plus about 2km when I walk.

Anyway decided to walk today to slowly build some strength in my calves. I (think) it's - but looongggg way to go. 3 months to countdown!

Activity: Walking
Duration: 1.28.29
Distance: 8.357
Calories: 1113

Sept 28: No excuses

Sorry haven't been posting for almost a week. Been tied up with work and the usual drama which comes with life. So last Friday - I decided to hit the road post work.
It was a tough workout. And I know it's gonna get even more tougher.

Activity: Running
Duration: 1.09.04

Distance: 7.532
Calories: 865

Best lap: 5km - 8.04 (I started sprinting- was amazing!)