Wingardium Leviosa!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Oct 16: Couple of self slaps never hurt no one

Slept the whole day. Making it a point to get enough rest and not tax myself with mundane things. And you know what? It's great when I'm not over stressing or over thinking nonsense.

Started doing my warm ups at about 4.30 and by 5 I was out the door.

Activity: Walking
Duration: 16.27 mins
Distance: 1.020 miles
Calories: 153

Great start. The burn reduced quite a bit. I've been doing those calf strengthening exercises while sitting at work and standing in the train and I'd like to believe they're working :D

Walked to Aarey junction and started to mentally prepare. Okay also point to note - I've started following the online marathon calendar schedule of this site I found. Seems good. It's a little tough but I need to toughen up. So today's attempt was 4 miles. And I was definitely going to go for it. It's all about mind over matter after all.
Activity: Running
Time: 54 mins

Distance: 4.026 miles
Calories: 509

Miles break up:
1 mile - 13.29
2 miles - 13.25
3 miles - 13.4
4 miles - 13.28


I must admit towards the end I had to slap myself a couple of times to get my head back in the game. For the first time I felt that mental tiredness that I'd been hearing off. All this time, it was my calves giving way but that day I felt that fatigue creep in. Fuck! Imagine to complete 13 miles I'd really have to be a strong nut up there.

Damn damn DAMN proud of my performance. Next battle is again 4 miles according to my chart.

Bring it bitch!

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