Wingardium Leviosa!

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Daily scribbles and drools... Day 54


Years old @ PwC

I honestly didn't think I'd be staying on. Toxicity comes in all shapes and sizes and so does the political poison and verbiage. Somewhere, you need to keep your self-respect in place.

It's not been easy, the last few months. But if I look at it the other way, I know how tough I can be today and also how disconnected I can get if my heart is not in something I'm undertaking.

After yesterday's conversation, I got home and thought of 2015 and how I prayed and prayed and prayed. I'm praying still but this blessing I will accept, even though I don't think I was consciously praying for it.

I've said it twice today but here it goes again -- everything happens for a reason and I hope my reason for being reminds me that I'm enough for myself.

Amen and thank you, JC. For every blessing and live sent my way... With every beat of my heart.


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