Wingardium Leviosa!

Friday, April 27, 2018

Daily scribbles and drools... Day 10

Poli-ticking timebomb

On the threshold of blowing. And dealing with conflict not directly your own shit really helps put things in perspective, about the people you work with and also about your relationships with those you thought would only remain work colleagues. 

Being an amiable and open book kinda person means people trust you with their innermost thoughts. Close buddies to random strangers to even work colleagues.

With great trust comes great responsibility to help them tide through these tough times. It's never easy as a newbie and sometimes, intentionally or otherwise we old hands in an organisation do throw shade on their parade so much so that we make it a choked environment. Learning that we need to step back more often than not and eat humble pie. 

And was again reminded... Listen to those unspoken words. And read body language.

It will help in dealing with tough nuts anywhere and anytime.

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