Wingardium Leviosa!

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Daily scribbles and drools... Day 33

"Moving on"

Last night I spent some time talking to an online connect about how to "unlove someone". While I was sharing my thoughts around it, it also took me back to the different people I've loved and who've left, the different kinds of love that I've experienced and how each has been such a treasure-filled moment.

I know there are people who can unlove a person. I've never wanted to be in that category. Unloving them, for me, would mean, I'd have to start hating them. And I don't and never will. It would mean me saying I made a mistake and I know what I felt and know each moment with them mattered.

You don't learn to unlearn them, you learn to love other people, other things, other experiences and in time, always in time, and always with the right effort -- the love you felt for them will settle down, opening yourself up to a new love.

Right now as I'm typing this I realise that I like to see all my attempts at all the kinds of relationships I've had over the years as some kind of talisman to hold onto. It's allowed me to be myself and I know you reading this would think I've made myself even more vulnerable, but I'd disagree. It's set me up to be more open, more vulnerable ,more authentic, compassionate, to laugh at others and myself, to understand who I am.

That's why I'm always going to keep loving, living, laughing. Always. 

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