Wingardium Leviosa!

Monday, June 18, 2018

Daily scribbles and drools... Day 31

One month

Well it took almost two months to get into religious writing mode but I think I did pretty okay. More dedication and diligence needed from laziness, however!

Why is writing so hard? Maybe pen and paper would be a better fit, no? But I've tried that and been burnt with people reading my diary. This was there is people's lazies to account for.

There's been quite a few ups and downs these last few days -- emotions are so confusing; they overwhlem you when you least expect it and you have no clue what triggered those floodgates.

I think it's something to do with the onset of weekends and reminders of how lonely it can get, if you're not with 'with' someone. Anyway, I've got things to do soooo!

Happy Monday 🐾

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