Wingardium Leviosa!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Dec 12: Walking with the Spirit

Or rather from Holy Spirit, Andheri back home... in the evening. It's been a crazy week with my boss' hubby falling ill (he's better thank you :D) and so I've been doing some going early-leaving late work days.


The weather dipped from Monday and my body was tooooooooo cozy and lax about getting up. I tried - by God I tried but I just didn't have the energy. Anyway - no more excuses going forward.

So I walked the whole way in the evening took me exactly an hour and it was about 4 miles. My timing recorded isn't right as I forgot to switch the damn thing off - remembered a half hour later.

The funny thing is I checked my weight in the evening. I've not lost a single kg man. My flab is still there. I need to start doing some crunches as t's really feeling like a problem are that needs to be dealt with.

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