Wingardium Leviosa!

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Daily scribbles and drools... Day 47


For me, will always be a name synonym with everything that is right in the world. He joined the same year as me and to hear that he is leaving is a very heavy feeling. Aside from Mous, he is the only other person, I believe, I've learned from all these years. Professional aside, he's given me a listening ear, he's given a few others I've sent his way, a chance to tell their story when their voices weren't being heard.

More than anything, he was there for me a year later, when things took a toll on me mentally. He guided me to the right lady who took on my case and was just there, you know what I mean? Without a lot of words, no judgement or "I think you should have"... None of it. Just there. And legally, what my options were.

No tearful goodbyes. Just that he comes to my city. Which is great news. I hope our paths cross again someday.

What a feeling it is to have good people leave an indelible mark on your being!

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