Wingardium Leviosa!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Another day, another lie

So much in my mind, confused half the time
Yelling at self, brings not the least bit calm
The silence is even worse, worse than the despair
I feel

Eyes are filled with sweet blood that ran dry
Soft and forlorn I lie dead to the world
Lost in the spiral of never ending lies
My fear has taken over, the end is near

Denying self pleasure is not as bad as knowing
I will never see those black pools
That sunk me beneath the frail walls
To lie chained for the rest of eternity

I scrape the rock hoping to hear you call my name
The air lies still and empty around me
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
Just another day, just another lie

I am devoid of the ache

                                                                               Now and forever...


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