Wingardium Leviosa!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Taking a bow

Just sick of love songs, sick of tears, sick of wishing you were here...

Career or love?

What a lousy choice and that too one every person has to consider... give up on the love of a lifetime or give up on the career that you've been planning forever.
I do not understand why there cannot be a balance. My whole belief is if the top guy has given me 24 hours in a day and if I cannot give even five minutes to the person whom I am crazy about just to send an email or sms or call and say I love him/her then what is the point of being in a relationship in the first place? Am I just a dress up doll? For show when people come over or some porcelain Chinese plate, to be used only during fine dining?

I understand. I understand that you have priorities. I understand that the world isn’t ready for you and me – for us. I understand there are things you want to fulfill and accomplish. But I guess I need to be blessed with more understanding and more patience. It’s not like I am running out of it, it’s just that I don’t want to feel left out of your life.

Career first – and I agree. But then what? Do I just stay hidden in the shadows? Do I let failed relationships dictate out future? Is this a test or is this for real? What if while I take a backseat someone steals you away from me? Heck you think someone’s gonna steal me away so why not vice versa?

Low profile. Space. Silence. Unanswered questions. Loneliness. Hurt mixed with misery. Love. Lust. Power. Ego.

… and there’s hope that keeps me going on…

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