Wingardium Leviosa!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

The loneliest girl in the world VS the girl the world forgot

"Where's the good in goodbye? Where's the soul in soldiering in?" Frightened to go back. Dunno what's waiting for me out there. That's where my demon hides... But does he even recognise me anymore?

The ache comes in spasms and most of the time just consumes in totality. So difficult to fight it especially when I think about it all. I love but I don't own your love. Love needs to be given freely. If your love is who you own and vice versa, that's when you fear losing each other. That's when it all falls apart. That's when you become insecure, guarded, bitter. Love someone in their entirety but when you have the ability to walk away with your head held high, that is the purest form of happiness.

I know I'm not the loneliest girl in the world and I'm definitely not the girl the world forgot... But I'm definitely the girl the world can do without 'or' can live without.

Reminder: 2-3-4 = 6 + Guna, Ya? + Mi Award + you're being selfish + I choose xxx + WYWM to YWNM + you won't understand + don't ever disrespect me + do u wanna build a snowman + it's not possible + I have made my decision.

You were my biggest mistake, and yet my favorite lesson.

Note to self: I know that wherever my heart is, there will I find my treasure.

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