Wingardium Leviosa!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

'Wash Me' Diaries: Day 4

Focussing on staying positive. Keeping the mind as blank as I can. Pinching helps. Smiling and laughing with random strangers makes my heart skip an erratic beat... Makes you feel lighter. Trying to be happy again. Not an easy task since I am determined to be my miserable best. Staying away from trouble but trouble always follows. So scared of showing my personality. It's always, all 'fucking' ways, taken as a double entrée. Try as I might, I can't get people to stay the fuck away from me. Don't wanna get into trouble again. Better off alone. Learned that, it's easier to run away. Battered. Beaten. Broken. Signing off... The loneliest girl in the world.

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