Wingardium Leviosa!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Jan 8: Final call. Final long run.

This was it. My attempt at 12 miles. I dunno when I changed the route but unfortunately I couldn't wrap my head around anything post 7 miles. I knew I was pushing things and that was the last thing I wanted to do a week and a half before the marathon.

I decided to split the race for 7 miles right now and 3 miles in the morning. That's it - no more pressure. My knees could barely bend and I had to start taking support to go down. When you know you're in dangerous waters, stay afloat or get out.

Activity: Walking
Duration: 26.53
Distance: 1.747

Activity: Running
Duration: 1.28.02
Distance: 7.024
Calories: 827

Nice comfy run though and no stress anywhere. Concentration was a huge boo boo but I shall be a whole lot more focussed and committed on D-Day! Yippeedeeddooooddaaa!

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