Wingardium Leviosa!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Dec 15: The Pinkathon experience

4.15am - Early wake up call. It wasn't cold as such but I had to do a proper warm up as my legs were stiff. I always thought running the previous evening helped me in the morning. I guess when the temperature dips - that ain't true anymore. Lol.

So I began my warm up but I know I didn't put in a whole load of effort. I wanted to go for that Zumba bit at the Pinkathon but then didn't have time for it. When I finally reached the venue at BKC, I spent precious time trying to get the bib on my shirt and the timing chip through my laces. Worse crap was I could only thinking of murdering Oshu for chewing the tips of the laces - the damn things wouldn't go back in and I struggled like hell. By then I had like 15 minutes to unfreeze. Quick warm up plus I picked up some new stretching techniques from other women.

It was a fantastic experience and I saw the way my mind was playing. Not used to running with so many people around - it was great to see how people overtook me and how I reacted. When the race started my calves were a bit tight but I managed to pull through till I crossed the 2 mile mark. So many women zoomed past that for a second I worried if all my training was sufficient or not. I just put my head down and continued to focus cause I started to get demotivated.

Then there were some women who would run a bit and overtake me and then slow down and walk. Freaking pissed me off it did. I mean I know they haven't trained but they started affecting my psyche. Luckily, it drove me to move my feet even faster and get away from them. But that was really annoying.

I saw the lady from our area - man she was zooming in front. Very happy and proud of her. There were women of all shapes and sizes and it was a lovely feeling to not be worried about people and their glares.

I pushed a bit in the final 2 miles to increase my tempo. That final 100 metres - man I was so psyched!!! Crossing the finish line was a beautiful feeling and I hope I remember that always. (Well you're always there na :P)

I clocked the 10k in 1.14.04 - decent enough. Definitely could have been better. But it's better than most soo... I'm happy (: I timed myself on the phone which is about 40 seconds more...

1 mile: 12.25
2 miles: 12.37
3 miles: 12.21
4 miles: 11.16
5 miles: 11.16
6 miles: 11.25

Good race - not my best but it's the change in the weather and a brilliant reminder to start working out in the mornings going forward. I need to put in a hell of a lot more effort. Time's-a-tickin baby!

Dec 14: Signed up for the Pinkathon - now to train for it

On Friday night I finally took the plunge and signed up for I guess in a way my first professional run. This was a 10K run and I wanted to see how I'd fair with pros and tons of cons :P

Anyway, I had a late Friday night so I went running in the evening. Was a good workout. I could feel my strides getting faster, even though the weather is playing truant with my health. I have a bad cold and which is affecting the way I breathe. So from now a 3 - 2 pattern, I'm actually doing a 1 - 1 pattern which is you know okay I guess. But I'd like to continue to breathe the way I have been practicing and switch to 1 - 1 only after my 7th mile. But let's see.

Activity: Walking
Distance: 2.018
Calories: 297

1 mile: 15.59
2 miles: 15.19

Activity: Running
Duration: 1.13.41
Distance: 6.038
Calories: 696

1 mile: 13.38
2 miles: 12.20
3 miles: 12.14
4 miles: 11.51
5 miles: 11.19
6 miles: 11.46

Good stats I must say - you can see my timing getting better. In fact I was just checking the other day how I fared about a month back when I was doing 6 miles and I must say my timing has improved considerably.

Very proud and humbled that I'm able to accomplish all of this. I really hope I can do my best at the Pinkathon tomorrow.

Dec 12: Walking with the Spirit

Or rather from Holy Spirit, Andheri back home... in the evening. It's been a crazy week with my boss' hubby falling ill (he's better thank you :D) and so I've been doing some going early-leaving late work days.


The weather dipped from Monday and my body was tooooooooo cozy and lax about getting up. I tried - by God I tried but I just didn't have the energy. Anyway - no more excuses going forward.

So I walked the whole way in the evening took me exactly an hour and it was about 4 miles. My timing recorded isn't right as I forgot to switch the damn thing off - remembered a half hour later.

The funny thing is I checked my weight in the evening. I've not lost a single kg man. My flab is still there. I need to start doing some crunches as t's really feeling like a problem are that needs to be dealt with.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Dec 8: Tik tok we're getting better by the dot!

I was real pumped up Saturday night. Suddenly my personal baggage has grown for no rhyme or reason and trying to rise above it all does prove challenging to an active mind. Throughout the week I had been figuring out how best I could reach my goal of 2 hours 30 minutes of completing the half marathon.I'd love to do 2.15.... so I'm hoping that day's electricity in the air will carry me through (:

For now I will settle for hard work and perseverance.

Activity: Walking
Duration: 23.42
Distance: 1.542
Calories: 222

Activity: Running
Duration: 2.01.27
Distance: 10.046
Calories: 1148

1 mile: 12.45
2 miles: 13.7
3 miles: 12.19
4 miles: 11.54
5 miles: 11.13
6 miles: 11.36
7 miles: 11.21
8 miles: 12.9
9 miles: 11.50
10 miles: 12.18

I know I did brilliantly! I mean compared to running 9 miles this was a breeze. My legs didn't play hookie, I felt amazing from start to end, and the 10th mile would've been around 11 minutes if I hadn't stopped to give directions to a lady heading to Mira Road.

The whole automatic thing is working for me. I know what he meant by saying my mind should take over completely. But the whole run felt soooooooooooooooooooo good. I didn't run against the traffic and I think that helps too.

I almost had tears in my eyes when I stopped. It's this huge feeling of accomplishing something and while I have no one to celebrate with at that moment, that feeling still lingers, knowing that I've done my best. I really REALLY can't wait for the marathon... Ha ha ha (:

Dec 7: Swim with the fish (with no aim at finding your nemo though)

Didn't want to run but was itching to have a swim. I had put so much of those drops in my eyes that I started wondering if the chlorine in the water would be a problem too.

Anyway - I went, had the pool to myself. Did an extremely awesome workout. I was able to do about 12 rounds in one go repeatedly, did quite a few deep water swims, paddled about 400 kicks.


Dec 5: Recovering from C ain't as easy as can B

Got conjunctivitis and luck be have it, a mild attack. Advised plenty of rest and relaxation which was really nice. Too bad (NOT) that I left my laptop at work hence felt a trifle guilty at times.

But Thursday I picked myself up and wore shades and decided I couldn't slack. Heck, no sore eyes gonna keep me away from my run! No Sir... no no no :P

So aim was 6 miles - I'll be honest. How I accomplished 5 miles I have no idea. Was mentally drained by the end of 5 miles and gave up.

Activity: Walking
Duration: 18.30
Distance: 1.199
Calories: 173

Activity: Running
Duration: 1.05.43
Distance: 5.047
Calories: 621

1 mile: 13.24
2 miles: 14.6
3 miles: 13.27
4 miles: 12.5
5 miles: 12.4

Overall it was okay but no proper focus. Could have done heaps better.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Dec 1: Take the highway or go my way

Activity: Walking
Duration: 25.08
Distance: 1.555
Calories: 235

Activity: Running
Duration: 1.56.35
Distance: 9.004
Calories: 1100

1 mile: 14.11
2 miles: 14.29
3 miles: 12.59
4 miles: 12.20
5 miles: 11.52
6 miles: 11.33
7 miles: 12.56
8 miles: 13.4
9 miles: 12.53

BEAT THAT BITCHES! bahahahahah - Started off from home to the back of Gokuldham and all of which obviously warming up and listening to some motivational shit. Once I reached the highway there was no looking back. I'm glad I ran with the traffic than against it cause it's cutting it too fine with bikers I believe if I run the opposite way.

Man the first two miles killed me literally - my legs were sloppy and uninterested inall the self talk I was giving myself. I think I stopped twice trying to get my legs to calm down and focus. Inspiration #1 was coming back just as I was about to hit the first flyover and I was like no way dude - in my head I told myself he had to be training for the full mrathon. Look at those calves... dayumn! Anyway trudging along I finished the jogeshwari flyover but stopped again before the next flyover... I think that was barely almost 2 miles... man it seems it goes quicker on the Aarey roads than it does on the highway. May be I need to keep in mind the traffic and people blocking the way so I tried not to get too disheartened.

Then inspiration #2 jogged past. Then legs were on full go cause the pain was receding slowly and it was time to push. He long outran me but I was determined to keep going. Once mile after the next - it was heartening to see signboards of Andheri, Vile Parle, the airports... and finally Santa Cruz! I stopped and turned around and headed back. The goal was 9 miles today.

Decided to run from below the bridge while coming back. Not sure if it was the best idea cause of the signals but it was safer I think. Finally crossed Andheri and stopped. Had to push solid on the 9 mile as my mind was starting to bend from the fatigue but you gotta keep on pushing if you're aiming for that prize ae?

Walked a bit and then took a rick back home finished my cool down and felt AMAZING!

High 5! It's almost time (:

Nov 30: Awake and go...

Activity: Walking
Duration: 31.52
Distance: 2.007
Calories: 300

1 mile: 15.51
2 miles: 15.51

(coincidence? I think not :P)

Activity: Running
Duration: 1.09.41
Distance: 5.027

1 mile: 15.7
2 miles: 15.21
3 miles: 13.55
4 miles: 12.12
5 miles: 12.32

Today I decided I wanted to hit the steep slope of Aarey. The crazy old man made it a point to give me sagely advice of how I should train for the Jaslok slope - good thing he told me cause I made a mental note of the map. I need to traverse that route too, to see what I am up against. But the Aarey slope man - slowly drains you so I decided to go slow... slow... slow right to the top. No stopping. Shucks man what a proud moment it was Reaching that summit. Walked down ten steps to the ground and continued my jog... I'm so glad I hit that route you know. I'm unsure if I've even been that far from NZ hostel in these 28 years. Excellent run and I can't stop talking about how elated I am that I'm not feeling down that my last week didn't affect my performance. It's all about mind and body over matter I guess. (:

Nov 28: Time to go...

Starting to get tough as things get tougher. This week is all about drive, determination after a disastrous two weeks probably. Living in Mumbai sure has its downfalls and I wish I could wish them away - the lustful stares, the potholes, the traffic, the noise, the crowd... all of which crop up when it's time to run.

Activity: Walking
Duarion: 27.49
Distance: 1.632
Calories: 260

Activity: Running
Duration: 1.15.57
Distance: 6.042
Calories: 717

1 mile: 12.21
2 miles: 12.37
3 miles: 12.34
4 miles: 12.45
5 miles: 12.38
6 miles: 12.19

Fateh workout... all within 12.30 minutes. If i can bring down even 4 miles to touch about 11 minutes I could get my act in shape. I've made up my mind to do 5 miles in a hour - if I can do 6 miles nothing like it man! goal is 2 and a half hours but I'm gonna strive super hard for 2.15. I'm gonna beat this bitch of a finish line. 

Nov 27: Heading home from G

I think a whole load more people should start walking home after work - it's refreshing and probably we can get the system to start making footpaths mandatory ensuring safety of those who head home the slightly longer way.

Activty: Walking
Duarion: 28.01
Distance: 1.550
Calories: 259

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Nov 25: Fighting form for a fighting finish

Activity: Walking
Duration: 15.53
Distance: 1.008
Calories: 149

Activity: Running
Duration: 50.12
Distance: 4.037
Calories: 473

1 mile: 12.41
2 miles: 12.10
3 miles: 12.46
4 miles: 12.1

Ziiimmmbblllyyy zzuuuppperrr!

But I am sure I'll get into more scuffles if I run in the evenings cause Indian men have never seen big chested women run... mother fuckers. Already bashed up two fucks last week - I stopped during my third mile to control my anger at three guys on a bike who stopped close to me and one fuck jumped off. Seriously the police need to patrol the Oberoi slope - so many chuths without helmets, intentionally coming close to girls walking etc, - and hoping they skid and fall is hoping for too much I assume. I'm sure no one in their family would miss them really. Hell - I wouldn't if they were gone. Rid ourselves of these vermin on bikes with no balls.

Nov 24: Good slow beginning

I decided I wouldn't run the scheduled 10 mile since I haven't done the 9 mile run and also since I hadn't run in a while owing to work (which was slowly getting to me)

So I walked - as briskly as I could.

My time wasn't completely captured as my phone battery died but I can confidently say I did about 7 miles.

Activity: Walking
Duration: 1.28.26
Distance: 5.506
Calories: 836

I'm glad I did this. I was able to observe people and found so many training for the marathon. I knew I had to get back in the game and I'm no where confident like the way I was before. This time around also I haven't lost any weight or become fatigued although I am working long hours and barely sleeping. This disturbed rest isn't helping me get my butt out the door even though I am wide awake at 4 - 5am. The best sleep I get is between 6 and 8am and that's the time i need to move.

Why am I so burned out about this? Soooo much to accomplish. This is my time, my life, my moment.


To be footloose and fancy free has a price

Especially when you know that you're capable of taking them only in very minute doses. I believe my mind and my heart are at loggerheads where I am just unable to get both on the same plane, have a sit down and have a one on one as to why I am wavering and wandering in my thoughts.

I've sobered up. The experiment ended in a way I never expected it to. Fool me - I know but I guess I am disillusioned that it didn't end the way I hoped it would - on the right note. I wanted to walk away with my head held high and now I'm just muddled - should I be angry, upset, hurt, offended, rejected or just plain ignore it?

Conversations with Me-Me help but only until my mind starts wandering again. No regrets - that's for sure. I loved my doppelganger. I wish her well but in another time, another life, another me.

Now on to new, better and bigger things! Patience*

Nov 19: Before she tumbles..

Well I tried and I failed. I wasn't able to run on Sunday due to family commitments. Decided to run on Tuesday since was working from home and I'd have time to recover I decided to continue to attempt the 9 mile.

Activity: Walking
Duration: 27.28
Distance: 1.762
Calories: 258

Activity: Running
Duration: 1.16.27
distance: 6.026
Calories: 722

1 mile: 13.40
2 miles: 13.28
3 miles: 12.35
4 miles: 12.0
5 miles: 12.30
6 miles: 11.44

I DID SO WELL and then I copped out. Just gave up. Right now I'm typing this out a week later from doing this run and I can't for the life of me figure out what the fuck went wrong. I just didn't do it and I'm so bummed even writing about it.

I'm in two minds to scream FUCK! but I'd rather shut up and get on with it you know :-/

I came home and just rested for an hour because I dunno why I didn't complete the run. Am I becoming over confident or have I reached that stage where I feel that I've actually done 8 miles so I don't have to prove anything anymore?

I don't think so. But this is a huge setback in the training and I hope I can shake myself out of this stupor.

Nov 16: The high...

Activity: Walking
Duration: 17.37
Distance: 1.006
Calories: 164

Activity: Running
Duration: 56.50
Distance: 4.189
Calories: 536

1 mile: 14.19
2 miles: 13.36
3 miles: 13.43
4 miles: 12.0

Getting stronger - the jogs are getting much faster - I can feel the rhythm. Time is of the essence. 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Nov 14: Following the schedule well

Activity: Walking
Duration: 26.11
Distance: 1.629
Calories: 246

Activity: Running
Duration: 1:12:44
Distance: 5.872
Calories: 686

1 mile: 10.37
2 miles: 12.35
3 miles: 13.36
4 miles: 12.59
5 miles: 12.11
6 miles: - was a mistake I stopped - I thought I heard the app announce that I clocked 6 miles and without reading I discontinued the activity.

But superb stats I must admit. Very proud of my first mile. Again the challenge is this is a great stat for the evening when my legs have had a good workout. Focus needed and some drive to begin in the morning.

Nov 13: Walkie but lousy runnie

Walked home from work. Time is getting shorter cause I'm walking a little more briskly.

Activity: Walking
Duration: 26.57
Distance: 1.590
Calories: 253

Did a short run being a weekday and I was close to exhausted.

Activity: Running
Duration: 01.01.09
Distance: 4.034
Calories: 577

Somewhere around here I've started to lose focus.

1 mile: 15.23
2 miles: 15.55
3 miles: 14.36
4 miles: 14.49

Just dragged my sorry behind back home. Hopefully the next one gets better :-/

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Nov 10: 8 Mile (for real)

Look, if you had one shot, one opportunity / To seize everything you ever wanted, one moment / Would you capture it, or just let it slip?
I didn't get up in the morning to run as my body was still stiff from last evening's run. I think dad's starting to get slightly miffed that all I do is work, run and sleep and no chores. So got up and did some sprightly spring cleaning. Did a little work, watched a film, ate a good lunch ... wish I could continue singing and say 'made a lil love' but I stopped that :P

started warming up at 4pm sharp. SLllloooowwwllyy - I wasn't gonna do anything different other than start my warm up routine 15 minutes early. Pushed from home at 4.30.

Activity: Walking
Duration: 18.42
Distance: 1.213
Calories: 175

Took the longer route from inside Yashodham-Amritvan-Ciba route (yeah even 3 minutes is a big deal man). Reach the Aarey junction. I think I'm starting to look familiar to the guys at the toll collection - the girl who wears the same outfit for her walk/runs and my GAWD THOSE SHOES... he he he :P

Activity: Running
Duration: 1.47.52
Distance: 8.041
Calories: 1018

1 mile: 14.36
2 miles: 14.6
3 miles: 13.18
4 miles: 12.26
5 miles: 12.20
6 miles: 12.49
7 miles: 13.49
8 miles: 13.42

I did 4 miles in Aarey and the 5th mile I started heading back to the Westin slope. At the entrance of Ciba I actually wacked myself a couple of times, and after a few FUCK FUCK FUCK COME ON!!! - started running again.


Seriously - I'm sure I'm making a public nuisance of myself but without a coach or guide - and just my mind and music for company - itna paisa mein itna hi milega.

Finally when I got done with the 8 miles - I ran out of water - gawd! I was soooo parched. I even contemplated going to Shobha's place but then dropped the idea and headed home. I walked outside my building for a half hour, cooled down with the exercises but my muscles were too taut. Got dad to get me a bottle of Gatorade which I greedily drank and I really liked it. So I'm planning on introducing that into the run and not do water fill ups anymore.

I think the bigger mistake I made subconsciously and without thinking to be honest is tried to do too much just to catch up with the schedule that I'm following. As per the chart I should have done 10 miles on Sunday but I've changed the schedule to fit my style. But my problem is I increased my runs insanely from 6 miles last Saturday, to 7 miles on Tuesday and then 8 miles on Sunday. Realisation hit me when I was aching in the night but it's worth it you know. It really is. I just can't wait for race day now knowing I can at least do a 10K (:

The challenge now is to deliver on this performance in the morning although how do I make that switch I'm unsure as it's proving to be a challenge to make my mind and body loose, nimble and flexible at 5am. But if I don't get my act together now, I know I'll not be able to do it before D-Day.

Anyway - GAME ON!!! 

Nov 9: Slow to run, quick to fall

What a messed up run this was. Disaster from the moment I got up. I warmed up but didn't sweat. I was running for the first time in over a week in the morning and my body was a complete NO FREAKING SHOW!

Felt like I was physically there but mentally floating beside my body having a disaster of a run.

So I started off by walking to Aarey junction which was a painful walk to be honest.

Activity: Walking
Duration: 16.32
Distance: 1.014 miles
Calories: 154

Chelsea falls the first time:

Activity: Running
Duration: 20.54
Distance: 1.337
Calories: 196

I stopped completely exhausted, numb and unable to move. Walked for 15-20 mins probably and then willed myself to run again.

Chelsea falls the second time:

Activity: Running
Duration: 18.27
Distance: 1.160
Calories: 172

Totally disheartened and on the verge of tears I gave up and walked home - full on walk of shame moment :"(

You know the thing is - I haven't cried in over three months. May be it's part of this whole new change in me, but one thing I know is at that moment I really wanted to ball my eyes out, pull at my hair, scratch my face and SCREAM !!!

But I didn't. Like I said, I've changed. I just went straight to bed. Didn't even bother cooling down.

Woke up at about 1pm and had my lunch and saw this real nice animated film called "Rise of the guardians" and I knew I had to no matter what have a second go cause if I didn't I'd just be down and out. Plus I has to attempt 8 miles the next day so how was I gonna do that when I couldn't even do a mile without copping out!!!

So at 4pm I began the routine of warming up and I took my time, waited for the sweat to build up and pushed out of the house. I'll be honest, the ever present quitter in me was still present and active. But I dunno I guess a part of me knows that this is my own lonely battle with my mind, and that I had to master it - I dunno how else to put it. I was to do 6 miles today but I knew that I wasn't gonna manage 6 miles so I decided 4 miles would be the target (I did 2 miles in the morning which should count for something dammnitall!)

Activity: Running
Duration: 54.17
Distance: 4.030
Calories: 512

Not bad but not good. Chelsea didn't fall the third time in the same day after all :/

Monday, November 11, 2013

Nov 7: Taking it easy (a little)

Was supposed to be the short bursts of running fast 20 second and slow 2 mins after the 4 mile journey but I decided to do away with it and stuck to just the 4 miles. I'm already clocking over 13 miles in a week and starting to feel the tiredness creep in.

Activity: Walking
Duration: 27.11
Distance: 1.612 miles
Calories: 256

Headed to Westin again to do the run. Thos cab wallas and the regular janta probably think I'm psycho :P

Activity: Running
Duration: 54.45
Calories: 516

1 mile: 12.44
2 miles: 14.7
3 miles: 14.7 (WTF)
4 miles: 13.24

blah!!!!! but whatever - next time! :P

Nov 5: The 7/11 test

Can I do it?

I accomplished 6 miles on Saturday - would I be able to touch 7???

Activity: Walking
Duration: 16.25
Distance: 1.021 miles
Calories: 154

Up and down the Westin slope I went in the evening. Up and bloody down! I honestly don't remember if I went to Aarey and ran which kinda sucks but everything is starting to blur.

Activity: Running
Duration: 1.33.37
Distance: 7.036
Calories: 884

1 mile: 14.39
2 miles: 13.54
3 miles: 13.7
4 miles: 12.42
5 miles: 12.37
6 miles: 12.51
7 miles: 12.55

HELL YEAH!!! No self slaps - just pure adrenalin. But this time of 13 mins could be a little better - say 12.30 - what say? Will work on it :D

Nov 4: Amid greenery, trainings - is a run possible?

We it wasn't - cause I wanted to snooze. Hahaha.

I went to St. Pius College (aka The Seminary) where brothers study to become priests for a three day training for Small Christian Community Animators. I'm so glad I went for it because it was phenomenal learning. People usually associate anything to do with the Church as BOOORRRIINNNGGG but I'm living proof that they are wrong! There are brilliant individuals who conduct excellent and motivating sessions - so I got a good doze on enabling leadership, have a better prayer life, learning to live and respect people of other beliefs, handling conflict, team building sessions, etc.

I had planned to do my 7mile run at the seminary (it would have been the perfect way to remind me of my school run days) but unfortunately the trainings were whole day sessions and with mass at 7am I'd have been hard pressed to finish by quarter to 7, shower and head for the Eucharist.

So on Monday the training wrapped up by 5pm and I decided to walk home.

Activity: Walking
Duration: 27.51
Distance: 1.396 miles
Calories: 257

I did a short 3 mile run.

Activity: Running
Duration: 43.37
Distance: 3.048 miles
Calories: 410

Monday, November 4, 2013

Nov 2: Happy Diwali - now let's run.

I didn't sleep. Just blanked my mind (again) - this blanking out thoughts is real good. Although I wonder if it's just being repressed to catch me off guard someday when I least expect.
Anyway - I woke up to begin my routine to the sound of crackers.

Activity: Walking
Duration: 22.34
Distance: 1.402 miles
Calories: 211

It was good to have the Oberoi slope quite to myself - no traffic, no hundreds of eyes, no spitting, you know the usual. And it's good it's next to the highway so less crackers too.

Activity: Running
Duration: 1.17.59
Distance: 6.041
Calories: 736

I think the above scenario helped me in focussing insanely!

1 mile: 13.43
2 miles: 13.1
3 miles: 12.53
4 miles: 12.39
5 miles: 12.51
6 miles: 12.13

Getting good - but I could be better!!! I'm sure this will be a rarity where I'm clocking within 13 but I had a superb run and I'm looking forward to even better ones :D

Oct 31: Somewhere over the hill...

Didn't run in the morning so had to begin the routine in the evening. Walked home from the station amid crazy traffic but clocked a decent time.

Activity: walking
Duration: 28.50
Distance: 1.639 miles
Calories 267

I am walking almost 2.70km which is good exercise and REALLY my legs need to start appreciating my dedication to warming up and stop burning :(


Anyway the plan was to run 5 miles and 5 miles I did.

Activity: Running
Duration: 1.12.32
Distance: 5.157
Calories: 682

It was a little slow the work out but it is getting consistent in terms of the time I'm taking with each mile. This one's a little disappointing though (I'd like to blame work)

1 mile: 13.48
2 miles: 15
3 miles: 14.54
4 miles: 14.2
5 miles: 12.58

Feels good to have an under 13 time out there (:

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Oct 29: Cuts like a knife

Starting to get my calves in shape... them cuts look good I must say. Body is still recovering from the Weekend workout. Decided to do some cross training. Yesterday walked back home from the station due to crowded buses/ricks, besides I reach home faster. Didn't time myself though as I wasn't gonna exert.

Today morning I woke up and began my warm up, taking extra care to do a thorough warm up. The plan was to do a brisk walk in Aarey and then go right till the ground and skip - at least 500 skips. FAIL!

This Reebok skipping rope is some deadly one. Solid heavy and I know it's a damn workout trying to do it :P I managed 150 (50 a piece) and then called it quits.

Activity: Walking
Duration: 01.07.44
Distance: 4.214 miles
Calories: 638

1 mile: 16.11
2 miles: 16.25
3 miles: 16.2
4 miles: 15.10

While going up the slope I saw 3 people coming running down. I knew I had to do the same!

Activity: Running
Duration: 12.11
Distance: 1.043
Calories: 112

1 mile: 11.34

FABULOUS!!! start to the week (:

Monday, October 28, 2013

Oct 27: It's been one helluva long weekend

And I felt exhausted. I gotta tell you I never for a second imagined two years ago that I'd ever do 14 miles over a weekend... Heck - I never imagined it now either - BUT I DID IT!!!!

Albeit with a combination of warm up, cool down and the actual run - I completed 14 miles baby :D :D :D

Today's run I was a little skeptical as I already ran 5 miles the previous day and I was starting to push my body way more than what it's used to. My biggest fear as always is to not fall ill. I hate medication. And people around me hate me and my medication. lol. So yeah - can she do it? was the 'burning' question.

I started off my routine with a longer warm up. I've also started these leg exercises where I hold the bed post and draw my legs straight up. Doing ten right now but will increase it slowly. Then headed for my walk.

Activity: Walking
Duration: 15.54
Distance: 1.015
Calories: 147

Even my walking time reduced. I barely felt the burn while walking so I'm guessing a little more stretching never hurt no one. :D

Headed to Aarey junction for the kick-off.
Activity: Running
Duration: 1.03
Distance: 4.849
Calories: 599

I could have definitely done better but mental fatigue - the bane of all my sorrows... lol, crept in and even after a couple of public slaps - I was done. It was a slow but excellent walk home. The run was brilliant because I didn't stop even once during this run. I'm also thinking every alternate day runs helps in keeping my legs steady. The burn I know will reduce while the mental strength is something I need to build on. But I had a steady, solid run.

There's this gentleman who runs and he's a big motivation for me. I'm glad he is on the route :D

Lap stats:

1 mile: 13.25
2 miles: 13.23
3 miles: 12.44
4 miles: 12.35

I finally broke the 12 barrier too. If I had any water left in me by the end of it I'd have shed a few salty tears but BOO YEAH!

:D :D :D

Oct 26: The evening sojurn

Well no Fun Friday night. So I got down to business.

Slept most part of Saturday as I had to push myself to touch 5 miles today. I worked up a little sweat and headed for the first part of my routine.

Activity: Walking
Duration: 16.07
Distance: 1.032 miles
Calories: 152
It hurt like a bitch this walk. I don't think I did enough of a warm up cause the run flogged me down. I broke down three times and had to take about 2 minutes to recover at Aarey.

Activity: Running
Duration: 1.15.00

Distance: 5.507
Calories: 669

BUT - as always after I think when I touched 3 miles the burn got controllable and I started my stretch of running better. I have to quote my time on the miles too cause I found it funny!

1 mile: 13.50
2 miles: 16.58
3 miles: 17.19
4 miles: 6.10 (CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!!!!)
5 miles: 13.24

I died when I read that part - 6.10 - I could probably beat Carl Lewis (excuse me Mr. Bolt) :P

Oct 24: Let the pain begin!

I had a rough run. Took me a while to get going but more than the burn it was the inability to wrap my head around my run. Oh how I ached for my bed :(
I started off with the routine as my warm up.

Activity: Walking
Duration: 16.28
Distance: 1 mile
Calories: 149

However, while trying to focus as much as I could I reached a point when my body, mind and spirit gave up. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't a bad run - just not a great run either.

Activity: Running
Duration: 57.56
Distance: 4.249 miles
Calories: 546

Lap stats.

1 mile: 13.39
2 miles: 14.2
3 miles: 13.29
4 miles: 13.29

(overall AWESOME)

I can do better.. COME ON!

Oct 23: The walk home is long.

I'm starting to get tired of the phone calls. Not that I don't like people, just that I don't wanna talk on the phone anymore and especially during my workouts.

SO - to fix it - go on flight mode :D

That way hurt no one's feelings and get on with life!

Walked home from Goregaon station. Here are the stats.

Activity: Walking
Duration: 30.25
Distance: 1.698
Calories: 278

Walkin in style... every mile :D

Oct 21: The short (long) break

Periods kill me. This episode unlike the last time had me fatigued, head achy, vomiting, and you know the fears of two years back came flooding back - what if I get that way again? Last thing I want is to 'snap' under medication.

But it turned out to be all right. Normal regular 'not so boring' periods.

I rested for four days. Needed that break. Had some fun but knew I would have to toughen myself right back up.

Took a light work out.

Activity: Walking
Duration: 01.10.08
Distance: 4.313
Calories: 661

Pleasant and yet that burn...

Friday, October 18, 2013

Oct 16: Couple of self slaps never hurt no one

Slept the whole day. Making it a point to get enough rest and not tax myself with mundane things. And you know what? It's great when I'm not over stressing or over thinking nonsense.

Started doing my warm ups at about 4.30 and by 5 I was out the door.

Activity: Walking
Duration: 16.27 mins
Distance: 1.020 miles
Calories: 153

Great start. The burn reduced quite a bit. I've been doing those calf strengthening exercises while sitting at work and standing in the train and I'd like to believe they're working :D

Walked to Aarey junction and started to mentally prepare. Okay also point to note - I've started following the online marathon calendar schedule of this site I found. Seems good. It's a little tough but I need to toughen up. So today's attempt was 4 miles. And I was definitely going to go for it. It's all about mind over matter after all.
Activity: Running
Time: 54 mins

Distance: 4.026 miles
Calories: 509

Miles break up:
1 mile - 13.29
2 miles - 13.25
3 miles - 13.4
4 miles - 13.28


I must admit towards the end I had to slap myself a couple of times to get my head back in the game. For the first time I felt that mental tiredness that I'd been hearing off. All this time, it was my calves giving way but that day I felt that fatigue creep in. Fuck! Imagine to complete 13 miles I'd really have to be a strong nut up there.

Damn damn DAMN proud of my performance. Next battle is again 4 miles according to my chart.

Bring it bitch!

Oct 15: Terrible terrible conditioning of the mind

I don't know if it was the lack of ear phones or what; but I felt I had a bad run. I just wasn't able to wrap my head around whatever it was that was going on in this big blob of gooooo. I tried, the burn started and I know stopped a couple of times till I actually gave up cause I couldn't motivate myself anymore.
I think I'm taking it too much to heart and that fear of failing again in my second attempt is starting to feel real.

When I look at my stats right now - and I think about that run, BAH HUMBUG!

Activity: Running
Duration: 48.53
Distance: 3.378
Calories: 460


Oct 13: The sooner. The better.

Gosh I definitely need to start posting on time. I can barely remember what I had for breakfast. Still need to have that too :P

I had a very awesome weekend and all my plans to run/jog and exercise kind of took a back seat... BUT I still managed to walk.

Activity: Walking
Duration: 48.02
Distance: 2.765
Calories: 453

When people around you run, especially when they're older then you and appear to not even break into a sweat, it really makes you question if you're doing the best you can.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Oct 9: Championing mind, body and soul

The swimming helped in many ways. I felt more fit, my calves also got a good workout and also while sitting and standing I'm doing these exercises to make them stronger. I really want this burning feeling to die down faster.
Yesterday, I went into work early and left early. Unfortunate that I couldn't run at Aarey cause it gets dark real soon. I walked from the station to back home. Was definitely an excellent way to warm up - I didn't push it too much keeping in mind that I've still got to stop hopping and jumping.

Activity: Walking
Duration: 28.21
Distance: 1.615
Calories: 266

Once I got home, warmed up and stretched a little more (sweating like a pig baby!!!) I pushed out of the house at 6 sharp. Did some bum kicks on the road, put on my music, pumped myself up and headed out for a jog.

Activity: Running
Duration: 52.46
Distance: 3.551 miles = 5.714 kms
Calories: 497
1 mile 13.44
2 miles: 14.36
3 miles: 16.3

My timing has to improve even more but I took a lot of long strides and pulled so felt even more good. The burn was there but I'm starting to condition my mind and I think it's working. Focus. Focus. Focus girl (:

High 5!!!

Oct 8: Swimming to glory

Went for a good 50 minute swim.
Did about 40 laps (attempted 5 laps at a time in between).

Also did a lot of deep water swimming to build lung capacity. Wasn't my best though - I'm thinking cause I was swimming in the night and I was setting myself up for panic that I'd come up for air before I reached the end of the pool at times.

Worked on strengthening my calves - did about 500 leg flappings while holding my breath under water.

Body started to ache but I'm just focussing on that finish line. No cross. No crown.


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Kai Ko is on a one way ticket to budgie heaven

My baby has moved on to the next life. Feeling soooo upset and I'm sure Kem cho is going to miss her original companion. We got her to keep Kai company. And they were sooo cute together. They'd make such a racket in the morning but one SHUT UP and all would be at peace.

Just going to pour out my sorrow in prose

You're the first beautiful thing I see when I awake
The last beautiful wing when I tuck in
I saw you today morning sitting quietly
Never for a moment thinking you'd be taken away from me
You've been a part of our family for over 8 years (+3 with Uncle Lemino)
And we've loved you like one of our own
I'm gonna miss you sooo very much Kai Ko
You're another beautiful soul to add to my prayer list.
Will cherish you always my feathered friend and confidante <3 br="">

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Oct 6: The mind is ready, but the body is weak

Took a three day sojourn. Sorry man but I was too exhausted with work. I'm working right now too. I slept the whole of Saturday and these recovery periods are what are killing me. My mind is made up but the body just wont GET OUT THE DOOR!
More push from within needed. Started reading some running mags online. Would you believe I still haven't printed out my chart - Yep, I officially suck.

In fact today a brother in Church told me - "The mind is ready, but the body is weak"

It really got to me. Good thing I went for a long hard walk in the morning though (:

So I have my chart ready - just need to hit print. Even though I'm down to 15 weeks (panic not yet set in) - I'm still excited and enthusiastic!

Activity: Walking
Duration: 1.45.45
Distance: 10.150
Calories: 1026
Average pace: 10.30

After three days - It was good. but it could have been better. The weather's holding up too... wish I could say the same for my back. But anyway - slow and steady - no pushing the limit - that's for sure. Need to get some cross training in her somehow. Swimming and walking should do the trick.

Anyway - later days...

Friday, October 4, 2013

Oct 2: Tough workout, tougher cookie

I burned.
I swear.

After an eventful/fiasco filled night - I headed in the evening to burn some calories. Started off on my usual route.

Activity: Walking
Duration: 19.58
Distance: 1.961
Calories: 247

Burning burning calves. But by the time I reached Aarey - I felt the burn cool down a bit. Got ready to jog. Fuck - I died.

I dunno if my exercises/warm ups are helping or killing me!

Activity: Running
Duration: 01.05.17
Distance: 6.575
Calories: 632
Best time: 6km - 8.02!!!!

I took a new route around Aarey as the one I regularly frequent is filled with pot holes although at a lovely incline to punish my calves. Will attempt it again soon.

This one is a straight road. Shit - I could feel my body give way by the time I hit almost 2km. I actually stopped cause I was going slower than I was walking. I just stretched my muscles for about 5mins.

"That shit is hitting the ceiling" feeling? Yeah - I felt that.

I started again, slow, damn slow and just kept trudging on. This one guy - who I've seen twice now (he's got sexy calves) went ahead of me... "Go Chelsea" - yet this was no competition. I wanted to beat the pain.

I continued on and slowly I could feel the burn die down.

By then I reached the start of Aarey again and continued my jog, slowly picking up speed.

The Westin slope - I killed it. I sprinted. Felt FUCKING wonderful man :D

I definitely put the Chesire Cat to shame as I went up and down Westin... I slowed down my pace a little as I continued till I reached Dheeraj Valley and then finally stopped.


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Sept 30: Walking it out

Took a break from jogging as I went for a full body massage on Saturday and my body quite collapsed to be honest. May be I shouldn't do body massages. I'm unsure.

But I am starting to feel sore after the runs. It's taking me two days to recover. And I'm touching about 6-7 km in an hour. Plus about 2km when I walk.

Anyway decided to walk today to slowly build some strength in my calves. I (think) it's - but looongggg way to go. 3 months to countdown!

Activity: Walking
Duration: 1.28.29
Distance: 8.357
Calories: 1113

Sept 28: No excuses

Sorry haven't been posting for almost a week. Been tied up with work and the usual drama which comes with life. So last Friday - I decided to hit the road post work.
It was a tough workout. And I know it's gonna get even more tougher.

Activity: Running
Duration: 1.09.04

Distance: 7.532
Calories: 865

Best lap: 5km - 8.04 (I started sprinting- was amazing!)

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sept 24: New shoes, will run!

So I don't have my awesomesauce Lumia 720 as it had to be upgraded to Windows 8.1. Getting it tomorrow so went back to the BB. But since I had no music out there I decided to leave it home. Wore my brand new Adidas shoes - BRILLIANT!!!

Had a good run. Thighs started burning again. I think I need to make them tougher or stronger. Will have to start researching some more on how to build my stamina although I wasn't panting to be honest while out jogging today.

Okay - I have to clarify I'm jogging very slowly. It's definitely not running. I'm gonna build on my speed slowly but I think I'm comfortable with a slow pace.

I ran/jogged for 50 minutes exactly and walked 10 minutes back and forth each. I know I did well and I know I could have gone for another 15 mins but it began pouring so hard that I decided to head home.

I guess evening works too. I still haven't gotten around to printing my workout schedule but I'm winging it well so far and planning my runs and workouts in advance so hopefully should get better.

Pray for me - actually pray for my thighs :D


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sept 21: From desperate despair to happy high!

After 3 days of pain... thank you monthly nonsense, I decided to run. Seriously, I need my bed to auto kick me out of bed. Wait - that's not the problem to be honest. I wake up, go pee and then while on the pot convince myself why I should sleep more... lol. It really is hilarious the way I debate with my mind.

Anyway - mustering up all the will power I could gather I began my exercise routine and left for my walk/jog.

Now I stretched quite a bit but I'm not sure if it was enough. I think I need to walk for about 15 mins before I begin my jog. I cut short the walk by 6 mins and while running up the slope - my thighs were burning pain - is that even possible?

Activity: Walking
Duration: 6
Distance: .657 km
Calories: 43

Screaming my brain shut I managed to reach the entrance of Aarey but my right thigh was stiffening up and fear that my workouts were going downhill started giving way. I just got very irritated, very angry that this was another thing that looked like I was going to fail at. Heartbreaking moment when those damn floodgates bend open.

Activity: Running
Duration: 02.05
Distance: .186 km
Calories: 12

This was the worst shittiest thing to feel at 6.20am!!!! My legs just cramped up and were refusing to move!!!!! Right thigh was quite aching to go back to bed. I gave up and walked albeit very slowly. All those negative thoughts started creeping in and I couldn't shake of this defeated feeling that I was losing a battle I had barely even walked into.

I was determined to finish the walk and reach the summit. As I moved higher - I saw a bunch of people who looked like they were training for the marathon (they had the gear and the calves sooo.) That moment was motivation 1. Motivation 2 was an old but sprightly gentleman jogging and soon disappeared out of my vision. I decided to go further ahead of NZ hostel (an area which I haven't explored in 28 years) and wow - I mean WOW - I could taste oxygen - PURE AIR! amazing. That was motivation 3.

Soon I reached a fork and decided I would explore further a little later. But I made up my mind to run downhill and as much as I could but at a very slow pace... baby step/jog/run thing going. So I began and I have to tell you - after 45 mins of running straight right till Sai Baba slope on top - I felt exhilarated! It felt so good to have my body beat my mind and run that distance! I'm super proud of my achievement and can't wait to run tomorrow (:

Here are my huge stats:

Activity: Running
Duration: 54.15 (this includes two mid jogs totalling 11.13 sec where I finally gave up)
Distance: 8.493
Calories: 419

Hovering around the average pace of 8.45 mark


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Random scribbling: Going down memory lane...

Been thinking about some things I've never thought about before... or at least things I've kept so far away in the recesses of my mind, so deep, that it just takes one moment for that Pandora's box to unlock and unwind the past all over again.

So I just remembered that I've actually gone down on one knee and proposed - quarter in jest but saying it with utter faith cause I was in love with him. And there I was - on one bent knee on the grounds of IC Church, Borivali. Jeez. What a day.

Chelson and me are tons different. Look at him and look at me. I thought we resembled a bit like what siblings are supposed to look like but now - he's gone even further ahead than me - in appearance, in career, in travels, in accomplishments. I'm not jealous.. heck I've never been more proud of chidiya than ever. But I'm starting to feel those pangs of all the sacrifices I've made, of all the growing up I had to do, of all the defending I've had to deal with, of the shame that I've felt and the hopelessness that comes with love.

Love I realise at 28, is giving. Never taking. No more - I love you and I love boo. One of the consistent mistakes I've made is letting the handful guys who have the balls to tell me they like me... get close to me. Then they hurt you and desert you, and they'll take your soul if you let them. Oh yes - so don't you let them.

Sometime when I travel in the train with the beats playing, I actually well up when I think about Canada and those cold winter days I had to hold down three jobs, cleaning human poop at the workplace washroom, mopping floors, running for classes, juggling work, taking people's homework home, getting dumped online, all the hand me downs I've worn growing up, learning a term called periods from a friend after I thought I was dying in school, not giving into sooo many things that have tempted me, never taking a chance.

Never taking a fucking chance.

The other day dad talks about his 'pot' taking days in college. I haven't even tried a cigarette. Everyone's done "IT", still doing it, I'm the sinner sitting on the fence. Unsure.

If at 18 I thought I had it all figured out, at 28 I have no fucking clue what's in store even tomorrow.

Everything - just one day at a time.

Sept 17: Walk a thon - on and on...

Good strong workout. Went across the usual route.

Here are the stats:

Activity: Walking
Duration: 1.24.43
Distance: 8.701
Calories: 601

My average pace was around 9.40 seconds per km. Decent enough. Can do loads better.

Today - swimming!!! tada

Monday, September 16, 2013

Sept 15: Running 500 miles... (well getting there)


Decided I couldn't avoid Aarey anymore. I've been exercising enough. My back isn't killing me like earlier and I'm warming up plenty.

So I was confident that I was ready for Aarey - So glad I took that plunge yesterday!

Had to fight off major temptation though - to hang out with my 3 cousins and watch a film - I'm really proud of myself for not giving in so easy :D

Activity: Walking

Destination: Home to Aarey route entrance
Duration: 21.16 (also included warm up in the middle)
Distance: 1.933
Calories: 149

Activity: Running
Destination: Aarey route entrance till first pit stop (little ahead)
Duration: 10.27
Distance: 1.364
calories: 85

Activity: Running
Destination: From a little ahead of first pit stop to Final Summit
Duration: 4.17
Distance: .435
Calories: 29
*Point to note: This guy ran ahead of me and I got all competitive - so I ran again (thank you stranger)

Activity: Running
Destination: From Final Summit Garden (Took about 7 laps in the garden at the Final Summit to Aarey route entrance)
Duration: 23.58
Distance: 2.703
Calories: 179

Had a great cool down session. But I felt super charged up in bits. The biggest thing is focus. Focus. Focus. Focus.



Sept 14: Swimming with the sharks... err... larks?

Swam for an hour. That damn coach came about a half hour late. Need someone to stand on the sides and PUSH me... like chelsea - move!!!!! he he he. Managed to do four laps (died by the time I reached number 4 though) but it was a strong workout.

I also did quite a bit of deep diving... almost 10 times - full pool. Felt super great post each round. Anyway more push... coming soon. (:

Sept 13: Had a good walk

Good strong work out. Walked like no one's business. Felt great.

Activity: Walking
Duration: 1.11.52
Distance: 7.194
Calories: 505

Good girl (:

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Day I dunno: Not going good

Not going good at all!

Been aching, making excuses and slacking... :(

What to do... I had a good workout on Saturday and Monday - Saturday an hour of swimming and Monday I ran without stopping for 15 minutes.

Here are the stats:

Activity: walking
Time: 19.39
Distance: 2.005
Calories: 138

Activity: Running
Time: 14.48
Distance: 0.038
Calories: 92

I'm focussing may be a little too much on my warm ups but I'm worried about hurting myself again. Need to focus a whole lot more. I've got some major planning to do over the weekend so working on that. Still need to print my training chart too.

Focus. Focus. FOCUS!

On a great note - I Got my bib number for the StanChart marathon :P

Friday, September 6, 2013

Day 7: Building fatigue

I wasn't at my best yesterday to be honest. Started burning out real fast.

Ran in a controlled environment too.

Felt terrible yet was mildly pushing myself to continue running and walking.

It's tough right now... trying to run for about 30 minutes...

Have to work even harder this month cause next month is when the grueling part of my preparation begins.

Yesterday's stats:

Activity type: Running / Walking
Duration: 52 minutes and 23 seconds
Distance: 4.327 km
Calories: 368
Best time: 1km - 8.33

Better luck today (:


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Day 6: Walking and talking

Doing it like a boss... Well not really.

But I'm finding it difficult to manage all these expectations of trying to have a life outside work, focus on my job as well as have a life.

I for one, at least for the next 4 months want to just focus on my run. Today walked - think this is helping that I'm cross training in a way (with my laptop and other junk as weight) he he he...

Today's stats:
Activity type: Walking
Duration: 30 minutes and 30 seconds
Distance: 2.647 km
Calories: 205
1 km: 12.12
2 km: 10.38

Soon I'm gonna have to start walking for an hour. Weekend - that's the plan.

On another positive note - I've got my new running gear :D

May be if someone bought me new stuff everyday - would prompt me to get out off bed ae :P I kid I uhh kid not???

Anyway tally ho!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Day 5: Push and Pull

Getting up in the morning doesn't seem to be the problem. Getting out of bed is :P
My biggest concern is my lack of sleep. I know what the problem is... I just need to get it out of my mind. Or block it.

Today I had a great work out although after I saw my stats it wasn't impressive IF I have to compare it to race day :D

But since I'm not comparing... here are my stats for the day...

Activity type: Walking / Running
Duration: 1 hour 9 minutes and 48 seconds
Distance: 7.125 km
Calories: 518

Best time: My 2nd km lap where I touched 7 minutes and 19 secs. Others were averaging around 9 minutes 30 secs.

I like the tempo I'm keeping. Need to focus a little more. Get distracted easily. People have tooooooo many dogs on this route. Too much distraction for a dog lover!!!

Placed order for my new running gear. Eagerly awaiting delivery. May be a picture of me once I get it ae?

Oh and the best news of the day - My thighs weren't stretched! I felt great the whole day (:

And the second best news of the day - The doc says she sees a lot of improvement in my body behaviour and structure and is impressed by my dedication to get myself fit. Thank you ma'm!

Later days...

Monday, September 2, 2013

Day 4: Walk a by baby

Decided to sleep in. Walked after work. Also downloaded this app called Caledos Runner. Decided to try it today and it seems like a great app. Especially during the middle of my workout when it told me how much I had accomplished - I died... ha ha ha.

Well good to have my own Siri talking to me ae?

Stats: Walked 2.67 km in 31 mins and 39 secs. Could have been better. Dodging traffic is a pain. My regular is 24 mins. Let's see how much I cut down on time going forward.

So psyched about tomorrow's run. Hopefully I'll do better. Today's physio was good but my body is still hurting cause of all the 'normal' walking my doc advised me. My tootsies are quite unhappy.

Dealing with it. :D Gnite!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Day 3: Going good. Going strong.

Have to literally fight off all them cravings of beer and pizza ... thin crust cheese pizza. People are evil.


But the lady doth protest and grumble and howl! No pizza and beer for a while... only once a week is permitted (preferably weekends, if absolutely dying for one only)

Today was brilliant. I know I ran longer, held my stride even more and pushed even further.

Thighs killed as always after the run. I need to spend more time warming up and cooling down to avoid any damage.

Physiotherapy was great too. Doc says - change your style of walking... I'm like - say whaaaa?

At 28 - fine, least I can do is try :P

But the paunch still is visible. Working working working it out!


Thursday, August 29, 2013

Day 2: Stiff as a stick

And aching. Gosh, I'm old.

But I'm glad I got outta bed and ran/walked today for an hour.

I know it's gonna take some time to get my rhythm but it's gonna be worth it.

And I'm motivated! really motivated. I just need to keep on moving. \

Stay out of trouble (re: boys) and just be happy (:

Now if only the weather behaves nice from 5.30am to 8am every day until race day - will I be ready.

Great start so far... let's roll!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Day 1: Running with dreads and dread

Loved it!

After two years and sooo much fat, I couldn't stop remembering the time I looked like a lean mean machine. Hopefully, with physiotherapy, a proper diet, plenty of knowledge and rest and high levels of motivation - I attempt to cross another one off of my bucket list.

I can picture myself running past the finish line. Heck, I've dreamed about it so often... it's literally at the tip of my tongue...

After running (re: jogging) today for just an hour (plenty of walking in there) - I know I'm right at the very beginning. My tires, love handles, heavy labour breathing, whatever you wanna call it... say so too!

Nevertheless, Debra's got her running shoes back on.

I feel good.

Alive and good.
