Mary Kom no matter what the outcome - you have earned the respect of every Indian for fighting the tough fight - especially against a country who doesn't respect you enough or push you and your talent to give you the best at a world class event like the Olympics. Hats off to you for reaching this grand stage on your own merit and NOT i repeat NOT because our sports federation has an iota of sense. You are a star in your own right. Salaam from a big fan.
I truly believe she is a star, a knight in shining armour, a real role model and someone to who women in India can really look up to. Her story - her drive to succeed when she has been blocked by almost every Indian brick wall is a great attribute that few people, let alone Indian women have. If she wins an Olumpic 2012 medal - she should give India no credit for it.

The same goes for all our stars who made it to the Olympics in London this year. Your prowress in your chosen sport is all your doing. This country has given you very little to cheer for.
I hope you win gold Ms. Kom. I really do.
From a fan who has always loved to run but couldn't develop it further maybe cause she gave up too early, maybe her coaches didn't belive in her or maybe cause she just got tired of all the bullshit politics and lack of infrastructure.
Best always,
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