What made nana so special and wonderful? For me it was her elegance. She always looked the picture of health and grace. But then she also threw these brilliant punches when you least expected one.
For example, when Chelson came down from Canada, he had dreadlocks back then and if she was in a bad mood she'd shout: Lucifer begone! at him, if he came too close. I was called Tramp because I used to wear bum shorts. It was hilarious!
During our growing up years she instilled in us virtues of kindness, humbleness, simplicity... but more than anything, to be good human beings. She also tried teaching me knitting, sewing, how to be lady like. She finally gave up.
My favourite time with her was when I'd give her a pedicure and manicure - she'd be sitting and reading the paper and I'd have Jim Reeves' Bimbo play in the background and she'd be humming along. I dunno if you've ever had the privilege to hear her sing -- she loved music and loved to lift people with her voice.
The three people she recognised in a heartbeat were Amitabh Bachchan, Jim Reeves and Pope John Paul II. In fact if you showed her a photograph of the Pope, she'd always say: Arre, he's my cousin from Mangalore!
The story of my nana wouldn't be complete if I didn't mention her culinary skills. She was a bomb of a cook and you couldn't beat her chicken curry, fish curry, scotch eggs, parathas or her baking.
As a child I remember she was always up and about at 6am, forcing chelson and me to say our prayers at that unGodly hour, have breakfast and we'd have to really impress upon her to let us snooze a little more. And 6pm she wanted chelson and me to be back inside, come what may. It really felt criminal, almost like jail when we'd be looking out of the grill of her 3rd floor home and there's kids screaming and we both were inside.
I truly believe that if you're blessed to have a grandparent mold your foundation... your very core will be on track for life. For 33 years, my grandmother has shaped me, my decisions, my choices and not once have I ever regretted even one of them.
Nana brought chelson and me up in the faith, but more importantly, she brought us up to be true to ourselves. To never compromise. To always do the right thing. And that when things didn't go our way -- to leave them in His hands and soldier on.
She wouldn't have made it to 90 without her son, my dad, Ashok. Papa, I cannot tell you how proud I am to call you my father because of what you have done for nana through thick and thin and for the constant sacrifices you have made for the sake of our family -- thank you for being so selfless. All these wonderful people who are here today in solidarity with us, is because of the deep respect and love they have for you and all that you do in Jesus' name.
Bibiana Lily Saldanha or Baby as she was fondly known as by her family and friends, was running high on life @ 90. I really expected her to outlive me too! -- her physical strength and resilience were that strong.

She really is, was and will always remain, the apple of my eye.
You are in our thoughts and prayers. May you be able to cherish the wonderful memories of your grandmother.
So touched. Grannies are the world. God bless her soul and she will be shining over you till eternity.
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