Wingardium Leviosa!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Oct 6: The mind is ready, but the body is weak

Took a three day sojourn. Sorry man but I was too exhausted with work. I'm working right now too. I slept the whole of Saturday and these recovery periods are what are killing me. My mind is made up but the body just wont GET OUT THE DOOR!
More push from within needed. Started reading some running mags online. Would you believe I still haven't printed out my chart - Yep, I officially suck.

In fact today a brother in Church told me - "The mind is ready, but the body is weak"

It really got to me. Good thing I went for a long hard walk in the morning though (:

So I have my chart ready - just need to hit print. Even though I'm down to 15 weeks (panic not yet set in) - I'm still excited and enthusiastic!

Activity: Walking
Duration: 1.45.45
Distance: 10.150
Calories: 1026
Average pace: 10.30

After three days - It was good. but it could have been better. The weather's holding up too... wish I could say the same for my back. But anyway - slow and steady - no pushing the limit - that's for sure. Need to get some cross training in her somehow. Swimming and walking should do the trick.

Anyway - later days...

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