My dearest Nona,
How much more can I love you!!!
You are the most important ingredient in my life. Saying 'You keep me grounded' would be giving you too little credit for the wondrous and numerous blessings I've received. Growing up to be a strong and yet stubborn woman, I place that credit at thy feet.
You taught me to persevere during difficult opportune moments, to give my 100% when I had no faith left, to pray till I understood the meaning behind my heart felt litany, to give than to receive, to make do with little and feel as rich as the Queen, to hold my head high, to cry when I was ashamed of my behavior and attitude, to grind in me the realities of life, to teach me how hard work is a measure of success especially when you're not born with the smarts, to lead by example, to find peace during troubling times, to helping me with my studies, to letting me be young, wild and free... To letting me be - Me.
I made a promise before leaving Canada. I don't seem to be willing to live up to my end of the bargain. I'm assuming JC understands because he has let me remain selfish and have you be there for me.
I'll always be numb about that day when you injured yourself. It took me two months to feel like I was in control again.

You are my Mother, nana. You have taught me to ask "have you eaten" before thinking of self. You've given me sooo much, I have been unable to repay your generous spirit.
I will always regret not being there for you while I was 'busy' growing up to be an adult. I blame myself for your alzheimers. You gave us everything and I let you down so badly when you needed me the most. I'm trying to make up for that wrong today. I know you don't even recollect these things, but I really am trying to atone for the wrong I've done by you.
I will always love you... With every beat of my heart, Baby Lily.
From your God child, tramp, hot pants, stupid girl,
Pinchu / Chelsea girl
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