Wingardium Leviosa!

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Daily scribbles and drools... Day 7

Fell Fatale....

After today's 5.30 hours of dancing, I knew I was anything but a Femme Fatale. I think we were the three oldest people on the dance floor. 22 minutes of warm up and we were ready to call it quits!

Along with our bodies, our brains couldn't keep up with the steps either. Plenty of times we spanked each other, wacked each other's books with our elbows, seriously for girls who love to dance... Our rhythm just flew out of the window. No, really... We were content being back benchers with limited talent. Lololol.

I found myself looking the first dance form of Lyrical. I really learnt a lot and feel that with practice I could master the routine.

The Urban dance was good for a first time teacher but I think she had to definitely work on her teaching skills.

The third dance of heels was on a Bollywood song but by then Thitli and I were done while the Captain suddenly came to life on the Hindi track. Hahahha. I left cuz nana had been alone at home for too long.

Most of the people had been dancing for awhile. What was amazing to watch was people in different shapes and sizes, guys in boots shaking it for the world to watch and they were killing it! This one trainer - I think her name is Radhika, I became a fan and was really impressed with her grace, emotion and the flawless effort she put into her style.

It was a great experience and I hope my body will recover fast for another 5 hour dance marathon tomorrow. But more than anything, it was definitely nice to have the "Mein Teja Hu" girls together again.

Later days !

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