Wingardium Leviosa!

Monday, April 24, 2017

"Ray of Sunshine" moment

Surprisingly though, not as miserable me, as I thought it would be.

To be honest, I did expend a dime a dozen grey cells but I'm starting to get a hang of this whole perspective business.

I told someone I 'kinda like' him.
Image result for scout finch quotes
His response: Why are you doing this to me.

Mine: Silence

My first reaction really was: I snorted, then giggled and then full blown laughter for two whole minutes.

Till reality settled in and I went into comfortable numb mode to analyse what I was feeling.

Was I hurt - yes. It was obvious though he wasn't interested. Yet that tiny demon - HOPE.

Me being me, I hate assuming and needed crystal clear clarity so I can pack up my mojo and giddy up and go.

It's taken me awhile to put myself out there. And it is a great feeling.

But some more analysis was done - should I feel bad?

Heck, NO!

Here's a guy telling me and I'm sure there are a million others like him, how he's no catch and then someone comes along (re: Moi) telling him he's a great guy and can we get to know each other - and he clams up.

I guess when they say, "I'd like to get to know you better" - it means between the sheets only.

But then I also think of the Harami quotient that's in me when some real swell guys ask me out and I'm like: RUN CHELSEA RUN!!!!

Truth is, if you don't feel it. You just don't. And that doesn't make your feelings (whether yay or nay) any less real.

It's a sad state we live in where people prefer to bellow: I HATE you at the drop of a hat, be it in jest or for real; yet to whisper: I really love you, care about you, you make me smile... you are my sunshine on a cloudy day... would tear you apart, ae?

Well, how's all that hate working for you?

Man, that last good kiss though, was a March ago *sigh*

Now to expunge him. Obliviate!

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