Dear darling Vodafone India,
Let me begin by saying, thank you for providing me with great network coverag. You really, almost always followed me wherever I went.
But, that's about it.
Other than that I must say I have nothing appreciative to write to you about. I've had one terrible experience with you and your customer care in India for twover two years.
And yesterday evening, what you did to me, I'll never forgive nor forget and I want the world to also know how evil you can be to people who are loyal to you even after all the shit you throw at them.
I was with Vodafone India post paid service for two years and a couple of months. Paid every single freaking bill ON TIME.
Then decided to move to prepaid since I was trying to cut costs. Got a new job which was ready to put me on a corporate plan so moved back to post paid.
Not that you helped make the transition back easier. It took me one week to move to post paid after three follow-ups at the store along with no service for a whole 24 hours.
Then i get a message saying just a day before I leave to travel on work out of Mumbai that my credit limit is Rs 500. Say whaaaaaaaaaat?????
So I call you up requesting you to increase the amount cause I will be on roaming. You categorically say you can't. Talking to a supervisor didn't help either as you're policy says - New customers can't get a bigger credit limit than Rs 500 for the first 3 months.
Fair enough. I'm sure you have a logical explanation for this.
But I'm not a new customer am I? You reactivated my account which has a credit history reflecting my good payment details. So why reject my request?
You wanna know why? It's because I never had huge bills. So I wasn't an A grade customer. And please save it. Don't pretend I don't know you don't have ratings for customers. I've worked in the industry too so I know how it rolls.
I asked the Gurgaon office Vodafone representative to help me out. After sending him an email which he would forward to a Mumbai Vodafone representative - its been 24 hours. Nothing has be done. I'm still as networkless as can possibly be.
Thank you Vodafone India. You proved to me how much you lie and the biggest lie of all is your network - It sure as hell isn't following me when I need it to follow me the most.
So here I am in Gurgaon, India on September 1, 2012. without a service provider. Far away from home. Alone. I can't make or receive calls. My only point of contact - my office internet via laptop which I have to chug around everywhere in the land of nowhere.
I can't wait to go home. And get ported out to Bharti Airtel. I'm sure they have the same Rs 500 credit limit policy. But I'll get on a corporate plan and hopefully I'll be treated a little more kindly.
Chelsea Saldanha.

Let me begin by saying, thank you for providing me with great network coverag. You really, almost always followed me wherever I went.
But, that's about it.
Other than that I must say I have nothing appreciative to write to you about. I've had one terrible experience with you and your customer care in India for twover two years.
And yesterday evening, what you did to me, I'll never forgive nor forget and I want the world to also know how evil you can be to people who are loyal to you even after all the shit you throw at them.
I was with Vodafone India post paid service for two years and a couple of months. Paid every single freaking bill ON TIME.
Then decided to move to prepaid since I was trying to cut costs. Got a new job which was ready to put me on a corporate plan so moved back to post paid.
Not that you helped make the transition back easier. It took me one week to move to post paid after three follow-ups at the store along with no service for a whole 24 hours.
Then i get a message saying just a day before I leave to travel on work out of Mumbai that my credit limit is Rs 500. Say whaaaaaaaaaat?????
So I call you up requesting you to increase the amount cause I will be on roaming. You categorically say you can't. Talking to a supervisor didn't help either as you're policy says - New customers can't get a bigger credit limit than Rs 500 for the first 3 months.
Fair enough. I'm sure you have a logical explanation for this.
But I'm not a new customer am I? You reactivated my account which has a credit history reflecting my good payment details. So why reject my request?
You wanna know why? It's because I never had huge bills. So I wasn't an A grade customer. And please save it. Don't pretend I don't know you don't have ratings for customers. I've worked in the industry too so I know how it rolls.
I asked the Gurgaon office Vodafone representative to help me out. After sending him an email which he would forward to a Mumbai Vodafone representative - its been 24 hours. Nothing has be done. I'm still as networkless as can possibly be.
Thank you Vodafone India. You proved to me how much you lie and the biggest lie of all is your network - It sure as hell isn't following me when I need it to follow me the most.
So here I am in Gurgaon, India on September 1, 2012. without a service provider. Far away from home. Alone. I can't make or receive calls. My only point of contact - my office internet via laptop which I have to chug around everywhere in the land of nowhere.
I can't wait to go home. And get ported out to Bharti Airtel. I'm sure they have the same Rs 500 credit limit policy. But I'll get on a corporate plan and hopefully I'll be treated a little more kindly.
Chelsea Saldanha.
Hi CS,
Nice cathartic rendition. Hope things work out with Bharti.
Vodafone continues to displease me. Activate my services and then an hour later threaten to restrict network unless I pay (before my due date). My journey to Bharti Airtel will not be a sorry one.
deja vous!
On 25th August I purchased a new Vodafone postpaid connection from Vodafone store. I used my number for just making calls and sending SMS, which I was told are free. Now they sent me, bill of Rs. 1249.25. In the bill they have charged Rs. 649 for internet surfing & downloading & they also charged Rs. 150 for activating some Special service of Vodafone which I hadn’t activated. And when I made a call at their customer service number and discussed about my bill issue they neglect that. Company had barred my outgoing calls. And after that they use to make me calls again and again that if I won’t pay the bill amount they would suspend my Incoming service also. So I submitted my complaint against Vodafone at Consumer Court. Now I am waiting for my complaint reply. Hope I get help from Consumer Court soon.
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