I miss my gay and carefree laugh, my effin innocence, the random breaking out into lyrics... It don't get much better than this...
I so wish I could get my act together and get better. It should have been better by now cause it definitely can't get any more worse than it already is.
Will cocaine help to get her out of her blues? She don't mind, she don't mind, she don't mind... Cocaine
Gettin fixed or gettin a fix ain't as bad as it sounds. I remember one of my deadliest lines - To get over someone, get under someone else. I should follow my own advice. It could work.
One week to go... hey hai ho!
What goes around, comes around
What goes down, shall be frowned upon.
Was I everything you ever wanted?
Fool you, fool me, cause we both lost it.
The music, the moment
The love, the lust,
The life, the laughs
The memories, the minutes.
I remember everything, I remember 'Being Different'
Funny thing about that - I revel in being IT!
The lies you told me, the lies you told your soul
What you have sown you will reap, mole.
Just a classic example: You & I.
"No more grey clouds, only blue skies from now on"
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