“When birds fall from the sky and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colors, classes, creeds, who by their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again. They will be known as the warriors of the Rainbow.” ~Hopi prophecy
Watch: The Rainbow Warriors
Last night I slept with a dream catcher over my bed gifted to me by Sunita Lillywhite. I dreamed of vortexes, tunnel and tunnels of them, all in swirling colours, with me inside flying by... just gliding from one tunnel to the next... lost. I wondered if this was the beginning of the end for me. Felt like Alice for a bit... Just couldn't get my head around how deep the rabbit hole was gonna go.
The dream catcher is working hand-in-hand with the Good Shepherd to get his lost sheep find her way back home.
Thank you, is all I can say.
Hi chelu,,
After a long time..
would be good to go thr the rabbit hole though..
say what....
I'm in it :D
Heart Open and venerable
The passion could not hold
Tear down the manhood
Embrace new , toss out the old.
Explain to me, oh heart
That would use and lead
Only come to a point
Turn against all agreed
The heart that drew cold
Never caring one scruple
It would destroy a soul.
Seek the only solace
Should any be found ...
Done one today , tomorrow
The wisdom ancient and sound...
moo you know you really should start writing - i could link your blog to mine.. that way you have a record of all your posts... what say?
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