Wingardium Leviosa!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Beautiful...

Dear Beauty,

I have known you since time began to count. I have seen you in good times and in bad and yet till date you have never disappointed me. You are true to your self, and no matter the amount of bad advice I have given you - you have chosen the right way, the bigger person way. I can only look up to you and admire you from afar because I cannot take the chances that you take. Call me Chicken :)

You have been in my room since the day I landed in this forlorn country- right next to Christ and my family.

I see you as the bright star that you really are, who always has some wisdom to share when I look outside my window late at night, trying to find some peace.

Now I know I have not been the best of sisters, I do know this because besides you I have received a million other complaints from millions of others. Somehow you get through to me. But I do push you to test our friendship to the limit - blame Hollywood and the "stick by your friend" messages that have been shoved in my face for God knows how long.

I do not deserve your patience nor your forgiveness as to the way I have treated you these two years - like a random nobody. You are a somebody to me. A very close someone who matters a great deal and some.

You gave me SMILE :D - I have it with me in Canada and it has healed a very down heart often.

I know you and me have gone round the bend a couple of times, always somehow putting on a facade because that is what everyone expects of us. I am tired of it honestly hence I quit the race. By that I do not mean I am anti-social it's just that I have a lot of things to sort out in my closest and I beseech you to give me this space to get my life back on track so that I may be a better person to myself and to you when you come home.

I hope the UK experience is everything you could have ever wanted and even more.

I end with the best wishes I could give you from the depths of my being - wishing you to make the right choices, to be the best that God made you to be and to add value to your life by fulfilling your destiny and by choosing your own path in life no matter where it leads you.

Happy Birthday.

I miss you, more than you ever care to know.

From a lost and lonely soul,

The Beast.

"You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me"

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