I'm tired.
So fucking exhausted.
Putting the word fucking here because just typing 'So exhausted' doesn't truly express what I am going through right now.
I think I know what people mean that you always need someone to at least talk to and it's in moments like these, that I really wish I had someone to just share, and bitch, and grumble and talk about how exhausted we both are.
The days are getting better because I'm numb enough to forget I even exist as a person... it's those sleepless nights which have begun again.
I wake up puffy eyed and just want to go in a corner, curl up, put the blankie over Anna and me and hide.
That miserable feeling has crept itself in somehow and I don't have the time to address it anymore.
While coming to work today, I thought to myself: Chelsea, if someone asked you what is love, you'd say?
Love is a lost feeling.
Love is always having to let go.
Love is always being asked to turn the other cheek.
Love is always being not good enough.
Because Love isn't enough.
p.s: Written on a manic Friday where I've had no time to breathe and been constantly on the verge of tears so I thought I'd just write away my blues.
So fucking exhausted.
Putting the word fucking here because just typing 'So exhausted' doesn't truly express what I am going through right now.
I think I know what people mean that you always need someone to at least talk to and it's in moments like these, that I really wish I had someone to just share, and bitch, and grumble and talk about how exhausted we both are.
The days are getting better because I'm numb enough to forget I even exist as a person... it's those sleepless nights which have begun again.
I wake up puffy eyed and just want to go in a corner, curl up, put the blankie over Anna and me and hide.
That miserable feeling has crept itself in somehow and I don't have the time to address it anymore.
While coming to work today, I thought to myself: Chelsea, if someone asked you what is love, you'd say?
Love is a lost feeling.
Love is always having to let go.
Love is always being asked to turn the other cheek.
Love is always being not good enough.
Because Love isn't enough.
p.s: Written on a manic Friday where I've had no time to breathe and been constantly on the verge of tears so I thought I'd just write away my blues.