Wingardium Leviosa!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

8 years to 40

Yeah, lousy way to look at it but whatever it takes for a reality check, man.

So, Happy Burrpday Day, Chelsea!

Those birthing hips of yours aint gonna last forever, so getta leg on, love.


This year, TBH, I didn't plan much but got to watch a few films that were overdue - PRETTY WOMAN!

Not to mention, watched The Bucket List again - Jack and Morgan two guys who make a great on screen couple and would probably make a mean drink too :P

All right - what are we doing this year other than trying to get jiggy wit it.

I have to somehow manage to cross skydiving, bunjee jumping, scuba diving or snorkeling off my list.

Yeah, good luck with that, babe!

A little more calmer, a little more clarity in thoughts, words and deeds - and take life with a little bigger pinch of namak.

And what 2016 taught you more than anything


Stay the same. Always.