Wingardium Leviosa!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Never alone

From the time you are born
To the day you die,
You are never alone.

Even though most of us go through Life feeling like it.

For the last few months, Iv'e been asking myself-

If it's my time to go home, am I ready?

Have I crossed out all I had planned to achieve / complete by 30?
Have I said I love you enough?
Will people speak kindly or ill of me?
Is there anyone who wishes I had died sooner?
Have I done my best on earth?
Have I left some tiny seed of change to spring forth on earth?
Is there anyone whose life I have touched?
Has my life added meaning to those around me?
Have I made my peace with all those I have wronged or offended?
Will God accept me in his kingdom?

And one more thing... when I'm no longer here, when I face the unknown, will anyone miss me?

The day I die - Play this song and remember me...