Wingardium Leviosa!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Who is your ideal man?

I’ve been asked this question way too many times in the last six months. I had no answer the first time, but I think I do now, maybe.

1. Marry a guy who has lots of friends, even women friends, they will tell you all the stories about him. Definitely marry him if his friends think he is the luckiest man because he has you. 
Answer: FAIL

2. Marry a guy who will read out Neruda, E E Cummings or Byron to you. 
Definitely marry him if he looks into your eyes and you know he really means every word of it.
Answer: FAIL

3. Marry a guy who loves to travel. 
Definitely marry him if he includes you in all his travel plans.
Answer: TRUE to the question and FAIL to the answer

4. Marry a guy, who may forget to hold the door for you once in a while but he will always hold your hair back when you throw up after a mad night.
Answer: TRUE to the first and FAIL to the rest 

5. Marry a guy who’d clap the loudest and cheer for you after you’ve made a complete fool of yourself at the Karaoke. 
Definitely marry him if he joins you on the stage.
Answer: FAIL

6. Marry a guy who will introduce you to his family, his extended family, and his dog. 
Definitely marry him if his family, extended family, and his dog love you back.
Answer: BIG FAIL

7. Marry a guy who will cook you a meal. 
Definitely marry him if he cleans up after his stint in the kitchen.
Answer: FAIL

8. Marry a guy who’d take your mum out for shopping. 
Definitely marry him if he takes your Dad out for a few stiff ones.
Answer: FAIL

9. Marry a guy who thinks you are the most beautiful woman even with a zit on your chin or your nose.
Definitely marry him if he sees beyond that beauty.
Answer: FAIL

10. Marry a guy you’d want to wake up next to each morning. 
Definitely marry him if he is the one you’d want to grow old with.

By Meenakshi Iyer

You can read more of her wise takes on life here -->

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Understanding everything and nothing

Underneath my outside face
There’s a face that none can see.
A little less smiley,
A little less sure,
But a whole lot more like me.

~Underface, Shel Silverstein

Trying to understand or rather trying to be more understanding - failing miserably at that. Let's face it, I don't think I'm cut out to be the quiet, demur, lady that your friends want in their life.

If you're too vocal - why are you thinking so much? If you say nothing - what's bothering you? WTF does go with the flow mean if people stop you from going with the flow in the first place?

Seriously, trying to find a balance is way too difficult. I'd have better luck swimming with a shark.

I'm tired, grumpy, angry and want to hit someone or punch something in the face. For now I'll just settle for loneliness. Best medicine to ponder and reflect on why I let so much of trash enter my life, build a nest and settle there.