Wingardium Leviosa!

Monday, June 18, 2012

From the Diaries of Lin Baba

Only there and then did I see and feel the torment of what I’d done, and what I’d become – the pain and the fear and the waste; the stupid, unforgivable waste of it all. My heart broke on its shame and sorrow. I suddenly knew how much crying there was in me, and how little love. I knew, at last, how lonely I was...

But the soul has no culture. The soul has no nations. The soul has no colour or accent or way of life. The soul is forever. The soul is one.  And when the heart has its moment of truth and sorrow, the soul can’t be stilled...

Courtesy: Lessons Learned in Life

One of the reasons why we crave love, and seek it so desperately, is that love is the only cure for loneliness, and shame, and sorrow. But some feelings sink so deep into the heart that only loneliness can help you find them again. Some truths about yourself are so painful that only shame can help you live with them. And some things are just so sad that only your soul can do the crying for you...

I was thinking about another kind of river, one that runs through every one of us, no matter where we come from, all over the world. It’s the river of the heart, and the heart’ desire. It’s the pure, essential truth of what each one of us is, and can achieve. All my life I’d been a fighter. I was always ready, too ready, to fight for what I loved, and against what I deplored. In the end, I became the expression of that fight, and my real nature was concealed behind a mask of menace and hostility. The message of my face and my body’s movement was, like that of a lot of other hard men, Don’t Fuck With Me. In the end, I became so good at expressing the sentiment that the whole of my life became the message.

~Gregory David Roberts

Sunday, June 10, 2012

My Blue Antics

This is a feather out of my Kolkata Diaries, one that I haven't spoken about to a lot of people but definitely worth noting for all my shenanigans.

So we are about to head to Park Street at 8 pm to give Jay Sean (Yeah, that's what I call the groom now) his post wedding Bachelor party, with me in tow of course.

As we wait for Jay Sean, Sapan the driver gets the car out of the garage and parks it outside the house. Standing there looking at it are Samrat, one of Jay Sean's close buddies and moi.

Then I say loudly - I want to Drive.

Sapan smirks - Gaadi chalane bhi aata hain? (Do you even know how to drive?)

So I flash him... my shiny, almost one-year-old Drivers License. Anything else?

What I didn't mention is I haven't practiced my driving in ummmm over 8 months. Anyway, he didn't need to know that. plus, I was confident about my driving skills. After all, everyone told me that I would never forget what I had learned. Goes to show you shouldn't swallow everything people vomit.

Anyway to be on the safe side I tell Sapan to get into the passenger side, he declines. You said you can drive, so drive.

I flex fingers, adjust seat, wear seat belt, put leg on clutch, move hand break down and start car. So far all is well.

Press accelerator -  then all went in the well.

I forgot about the ABC from right to left - Accelerator, Break & Clutch.

My foot couldn't find the Break. And now when I think about it, it's probably cause my Foot was pressed hard on the Accelerator. Lol.


And inside the care I'm like ARRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.....

Jay Sean's neighbour thankfully has a wall - so I decide to scrape the front right side headlights and the car till the end of the wall all the while wondering...

PRESS THE BREAK!!!! which the three men are screaming.

Not THAT Bad Nah?
Next there is a cycle rickshaw ahead standing still watching the drama unfold - now there are three different sets of people screaming ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHH

i.e. the cycle rickshaw driver, the three men & me :D

My leg finally finds the break about 3 feet from the auto guy and there is pin drop silence.

I get out of the car. Everyone comes running to the front of the car to see the damage.

Nyeh - a couple of lines.

So after we drink a couple of beers, I'm driving us back home, I say gleefully.

The three men laugh menacingly, HELL NO!

Meanwhile, Jay Sean comes down - What did I miss?


Friday, June 8, 2012

It's Rumbling Time!

'You Can't Make Me Wet Today' - screams She, pointing a finger at the Rain God.

Rain God replies with a Bolt of Lightning which runs through her pointing ungli and says -


Guess who looks like someone you just pulled out of a sewer today!