I 'actually' started following Lent last year. First Lent. I decided to skip my afternoon meal and facebook. I cheated on facebook by going through my notifications on gmail. Ha ha. As for the meal, well I did miss it but I made up for it by eating double at about 4 pm (chai break after all).
This year I decided to push myself. No non-veg, no alcohol (I was looking for an excuse to give it up completely anyway), no facebook (yeah again), no chatting and no stupid spending.
Let us take my abstinence to the above-mentioned one by one.
No non-veg: I had egg. Had too. Needed calcium. Not an excuse but that is the only thing I allowed myself. BUT I cheated once. Mom made tongue curry and I smelt it every time I put my nose in the fridge. Then one day I cleaned the kitchen and saw the handi in there and was like - chuck it man. I need to TASTE!!! Felt like a kid who had gotten caught with her hand in the cookie jar when my nana came to see what I was up to. Hmmm...
No alcohol: Stuck to it like glue thankyouverymuch! I have decided one beer as a social thing. But that is it. No more hard liquor. I'm done.
No facebook: I gave in to temptation occasionally to see what people were doing. I tried. I succeeded partly. Next year I will be stronger. (I may close my account, maybe)
No chatting: Worked. Only chatted with Chelson. Have too. No compromise there.
No stupid spending: Worked that one well. Saved over three grand. *sigh* If only Lent came every alternate month.
What I stopped, made me start things I normally pushed off. Started praying more, playing the guitar more, blogging, calligraphy, practiced typing, reading, walking, spending more time learning new things... I dunno, I have done tons these 6-7 weeks. I know.
I'm not proud of the promises I broke but during my reflections every day I realised that Lent is there to remind me that no matter how many times I fail and fall, Christ tells me to pick myself right back up and try again. Moreover, if I falter along the way again, stand right back up and walk with head held high.
I mean look at it this way. The Stations of the Cross take us through the pain and agony Christ suffered for our sins. He fell three times, maybe more, stumbled, was spat at, hurled stones at, abused, beaten, crown of thorns dug into his skull... I mean the movie 'Passion of Christ' just showed us how brutal we as people could be. However, through His divine spirit he was able to carry his mortal body on to Golgotha.
Even in His last hour, He chose to forgive.
I will never forget the words - Eli, Eli, lamma sabacthani? That is, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
The beauty of Christ's undying love for us lie in those words, lie in the very cry that he makes to God to answer him. All of us cry out to God to save us from the pain that we are in, always questioning His ways, always asking - do we ever say Thank You for graces we do receive?
To conclude, I just want to reiterate to those who see my weakness as a waste of time for doing it. I tried. I may have failed in your eyes, but in Christ’s I have won the fight! J That is the beauty of being human. No matter how often we fall, He holds our hand and guides us towards the right path again.
Was reading a bit and found this so thought I would share them.
Seven sayings
The seven sayings form part of a Christian meditation that are often used during Lent, Holy Week and Good Friday. The traditional order of the sayings is:
Father forgive them, for they know not what they do (Luke 23:34).
Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise (Luke 23:43).
Woman, behold your son: behold your mother (John 19:26-27).
My God, My God, why have you forsaken me, (Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34).
I thirst (John 19:28).
It is finished (John 19:30).
Father, into your hands I commit my spirit (Luke 23:46).
May we never lose heart when faced with the contempt of this world which ridicules our obedience to Your will
God Bless.